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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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A tasty vegan cheese

13 September 2021

Is it possible to make a tasty vegan cheese? It seems that the biggest hurdles have been overcome. The first vegan cheese products with natural flavours will be on the market this month.  Last year, a number of c...

Mindyourmeat; Product development with passion

13 September 2021

On October 4th, Leo van Etten, owner of 'De Nieuwe Slager', will start a new company specialised in meat substitutes for chefs and butchers. Pieter de Ruijter, commercial manager DEGENS (the butcher's branch of SOLINA-GR...

Entrepreneurs on the food sector after corona

13 September 2021

The Netherlands is slowly opening up again. What has changed in the past year due to the pandemic?  What is still in store for us? Food entrepreneurs talk about the most striking changes in the market. What will rem...

It's rush hour in protein land

13 September 2021

It cannot have escaped anyone's attention: proteins are, without exaggeration, the centre of attention. No wonder: the world population is growing, in many places prosperity is increasing, which goes hand in hand with in...

RIDLV pleit voor gezondheid in drievoud

13 September 2021

Landbouw heeft enorm bijgedragen aan de voedselzekerheid, de levensverwachting en de welvaart van de sterk gegroeide wereldbevolking. Maar ze berokkent in haar huidige vorm en omvang ook steeds meer schade aan de planeet...

Roadmap Plant Proteins

08 September 2021

 Today, we are facing an unprecedented challenge to produce and distribute adequate protein to feed over nine billion people by 2050, in an environmentally sustainable and affordable way. Protein calories consumed by peo...

Plastic costs society a fortune

07 September 2021

The plastics crisis is assuming unprecedented proportions and the current approach to the problem is failing. This is the conclusion of the new report 'Plastics: The cost to society, environment and the economy' by the W...

Unprecedented rise in food industry selling prices

06 September 2021

Output prices in the food industry rose by 8.7 percent in July this year compared to July last year. Such a high price increase in the food industry has not been measured since the start of the CBS publication series in ...

Sustainability: 5 key pillars you need to respond to

30 August 2021

Developments in the food sector are rapid. Consumers are changing, which has consequences for production and distribution. At the same time, the chain must become more sustainable and innovation is not standing still. Cu...

Pitfalls in a vegetarian or vegan diet

23 August 2021

In the production of meat substitutes, the emphasis for producers is mainly on replacing animal proteins with vegetable proteins and less on a healthy composition of the product, according to Ciaran Forde, professor at W...

Plant-based foods market to hit $162 billion in 2030

17 August 2021

The plant-based foods market could make up to 7.7% of the global protein market by 2030, with a value of over $162 billion, up from $29.4 billion in 2020, according to a new report by Bloomberg Intelligence (BI).  G...

Cargill and AeroFarms research vertical cocoa production

17 August 2021

As part of ongoing efforts to build a more resilient and sustainable cocoa sector, Cargill has entered a multi-year research agreement with vertical farming pioneer and leader AeroFarms aimed at improving cocoa bean yiel...

Food100 of 2021 announced

16 August 2021

Every year, Food100 proudly presents 100 established leaders and up-and-coming talents who work hard every day for better and fairer food and drink for all. This is the list of the progressive and promising food changers...

Top 9 myths about plant-based food

10 August 2021

There are still many misconceptions about plant-based food in the Netherlands. This is evident from research commissioned by Upfield. Many people in the Netherlands incorrectly believe that vegetable alternatives to meat...

Can we trust cultured meat?

04 August 2021

Cultured meat seems to be conquering the world. When such a new product enters the market, consumers must be able to trust that it complies with all European legislation and regulations regarding food safety. Research by...