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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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VanDrie Group opens research centre

01 April 2021

The VanDrie Group is expanding its innovation capacity with a brand new 'Drieveld' research centre in Uddel, Gelderland. The purpose of this research centre is to help the VanDrie Group's Research & Development (R&am...

Accreditation of organic acids Normec

31 March 2021

Normec Foodcontrol in Belgium, part of Normec Foodcare, is one of the first laboratories in the Benelux accredited for the enzymatic determination of the three main food acids that are active against Listeria monocytogen...

The contamination risks of plant-based ingredients

30 March 2021

The market for plant-based ingredients and dairy alternatives is growing at a fast pace. But little is known about the potential microbial contamination risks of plant-based proteins, compared to more familiar dairy prod...

NIZO predicts Listeria growth in cheese

24 March 2021

To safely market and export cheese, you need to comply with food safety criteria and determine the risk of L. monocytogenes growth. For some products, this is easy: for instance, if the pH is below 4.4 or the water activ...

Half of the Dutch find eating meat every day unnecessary

23 March 2021

94% of the Dutch population is familiar with the term meat substitutes. Furthermore, 48% of the Dutch population believes that eating meat every day is a thing of the past, according to research by Markteffect among 1,04...

Plant-based food sector grows by 49% in 2 years

19 March 2021

Over the last few years, supermarkets and discounters in Europe have been offering more and more plant-based options. From meat alternatives to plant-based milk, supermarkets and discounters continue to increase their sh...

A science base for better meat analogues

19 March 2021

Using a new method to measure the texture of materials, scientists of Wageningen University & Research are helping the food industry to improve the texture of meat-replacing products. The acceptance and success of...

Cost price of cultured meat can be cut greatly

17 March 2021

Numerous innovative companies are currently exploring and developing methods to produce cultivated meat. Clearly, an advantage of cultivated meat (CM) is that it avoids holding animals with the associated risks related t...

'Alternatives to plastic aren't always more sustainable'

08 March 2021

Sustainability is undoubtedly the biggest issue when it comes to the future of packaging. Consumer perception, the marketing department and the lack of knowledge sometimes get in the way of truly sustainable packaging. W...

On the road to future-proof packaging

08 March 2021

A food producer, a supplier of packaging film, a machine manufacturer and an automation expert, all of whom also happen to be consumers, sit down together in a Zoom meeting to discuss trends and developments in future-pr...

The innovative Sleegers Experience Center

08 March 2021

Imagine, you are a food producer and need to buy a new machine. Of course you would like to test it first. Preferably with your own product, otherwise it does not count. That turns out to be difficult. Besides, in no oth...

Zilver voor AI-oplossing Jamboflash

08 March 2021

Hoge kosten voor kwaliteitsborging, gebrekkige processen, slecht gebruik van grondstoffen; er zijn veel ongunstige scenario's voor levensmiddelenbedrijven. Kunstmatige intelligentie kan vele processen in de voedselverwer...

Pack with Impact

08 March 2021

The quest for sustainable food packages is complex and can only succeed with an integrated approach. And although the use of plastic packages is increasingly questioned, it is often still the best option to keep many foo...

Garden Gourmet CO₂-neutral in 2022

08 March 2021

Nestlé's Garden Gourmet is accelerating its approach to climate change and announces it will reach the CO₂-neutral goal by 2022. Garden Gourmet is achieving its goal through years of action throughout the chain from farm...

National Week Without Meat 2021 has started

08 March 2021

From 8 to 14 March, the fourth edition of the National Week Without Meat will take place in the Netherlands. Since the first edition in March 2018, this sustainability campaign has become an annual initiative. During Nat...