Nederlandse houding t.o.v. duurzame voeding: Intentie versus actie
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What we truly think about sustainable food

  • 28 September 2023

Milieu Centraal recently released the 'Sustainability Life Monitor 2023'. This report provides a clear and in-depth understanding of the attitudes and actions of the Dutch regarding sustainability. Crucial for the food industry is the insight into sustainable behavior and consumers' willingness to adopt sustainable practices, especially when it comes to food.

While an overwhelming majority (about three-quarters) of Dutch people are open to a sustainable lifestyle, only a quarter of the 98 researched sustainable behaviors are actually practiced. This disconnect between intention and action signals an opportunity for the food sector. If certain sustainable behaviors are 'sweet spots' - behaviors people are open to, yet not widely adopted but which lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions or land use - then the industry must identify and seize these opportunities.


Even more pressing are the 'bottlenecks'; behaviors the Dutch aren't adopting but which are essential for meeting climate goals. One of these bottlenecks is veganism or consuming less meat and dairy. Reducing meat and dairy intake isn’t easy, stemming from various causes. We're accustomed to a certain dietary pattern (33% cite this as a reason not to reduce), but many also find meat too tempting (flavor is a reason for 47% of the Dutch not to reduce meat intake). For dairy, the percentage is even higher: almost 70% wouldn't want to miss dairy because they enjoy its taste, and nearly half are so used to consuming cheese, milk, and yogurt that they find it challenging to cut back.

The food industry must innovate in these areas and find ways to overcome these bottlenecks, for instance, by offering more sustainable food choices that are both tasty and affordable.

The key message for the food industry is clear: While the Dutch are open to sustainable behaviors, targeted interventions are needed to promote them. The industry is challenged to make sustainability more accessible, affordable, and logical for all Dutch people.

Check out the 'Sustainability Life Monitor 2023' (Dutch only)

Source: Milieu Centraal