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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Exploding food storage costs cause new setback

31 August 2022

The rise in food prices is not only linked to increased production costs. Storage costs are also rising sharply. Fruit, vegetables and meat are stored in cold stores that require a lot of energy, according to Financieele...

Turnover food industry up 28.3 percent

30 August 2022

In the second quarter of 2022, turnover in the food industry was 28.3 percent up on a year earlier, largely due to higher prices. Nearly 11 percent of manufacturers in the food industry also expect higher turnover in the...

MULTIVAC nu ook op Slavakto 2022

30 August 2022

Zoek je een flexibele oplossing voor het verpakken van vlees(producten) in kleine of middelgrote batches? De oplossingen van MULTIVAC voor zowel rauw als verwerkt vlees bieden een uitstekend investeringsrendement. Voor s...

EU pork exports cut by 25%

30 August 2022

EU pigmeat exports decreased by almost 25 percent in the first six months of 2022 compared to the same period in 2021. A substantial growth in exports to Japan, Korea and the Philippines, among others, partly compensated...

More fruit and vegetables outside the home

29 August 2022

In the first half of 2022, Dutch people ate almost the same amount of fresh vegetables and fruit as last year. As a result of the removal of corona measures, people are eating more outside the home. Restaurants and cater...

Fungi take over the food industry

29 August 2022

A retail report by product discovery and purchasing platform RangeMe has explored CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) trends in the second quarter of 2022. A key finding is that demand for mushrooms is rapidly increasing. The ...

Nederland Vleesland shares honest story about meat production

29 August 2022

The meat sector has kicked off a social dialogue under the banner 'Nederland Vleesland, waar smaken verschillen' (Netherlands meat country, where tastes differ). With the launch of 'Nederland Vleesland' six partners in t...

Fonterra and DSM join forces on precision fermentation

26 August 2022

Fonterra and Royal DSM are establishing a new start-up company to accelerate the development and commercialisation of fermentation-derived proteins with dairy-like properties. The new start-up company will enable the ...

FWS wants a broad sugar tax as soon as possible

26 August 2022

The fresh drinks sector (FWS) is calling on the Cabinet and the House of Representatives not to implement the doubling of the consumption tax on soft drinks before 2023, but instead to introduce a smart soft drinks tax a...

ABN AMRO expects steady trend in demand for fish

26 August 2022

The demand for fish is rising. This is currently causing prices to recover. However, ABN AMRO analysts expect high inflation and lower spending capacity in the second half of this year to put pressure on consumer spendin...

Novel method inactivates pathogens on food

26 August 2022

A light-based, food sanitization technique successfully eliminated multiple harmful pathogens in a new study carried out by Penn State researchers. The technique shows promise as an effective alternative to the chemic...

The print head is crucial in an inkjet printer

23 August 2022

Several facets play an important role when choosing a small character inkjet printer. Of course the technical specifications, ease of use and reliability. Especially the print head of the machine determines for a large p...

Simple method discovered to destroy PFAS

22 August 2022

There’s finally hope for a simple, cheap way to destroy a class of ubiquitous environmental toxins found in shampoos, fast-food wrappers, and fire-dousing foams. A common ingredient in soap, mixed with water and an organ...

Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) postponed again

22 August 2022

The Brexit Adjustment Reserve (BAR) has been postponed again. The exact details and terms of the BAR are still to follow. The purpose of this scheme is to support businesses affected by the Brexit in finding new sales ma...

Extreme heat in Spain hits olive, avocado harvest

22 August 2022

The La Vinuela reservoir is the most important water storage facility in the southern Spanish province of Malaga. But following months without rain and an unparalleled heat wave, the reservoir, which is normally 6 kilome...