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Call for GMO-free food reaches government

  • 04 October 2023

On October 3rd, representatives of the Organic Retail Association approached the Dutch government with a powerful message, backed by an impressive 45,000 signatures. Their demand? Maintain transparency and choice in our food and protect consumers' right to know what they're consuming.

This overwhelming response is the outcome of the petition "keep our food GMO-free", launched in reaction to the new European law on the regulation of 'New Genomic Techniques' (NGTs). This legislation could deregulate innovative techniques like CrisprCas, allowing products to appear on shelves without noticeable labeling. Consequently, the origins of these food products could remain a mystery to consumers.

It's not just consumers who are concerned. Organic farmers fear cross-contamination with NGT crops, leading their produce to unknowingly contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Thus, the organic sector advocates for strict labeling requirements and urges the European Patent Office to prohibit the patenting of natural traits.

Michaël Wilde, director of Bionext, underscores the severity of the situation: “A core principle of organic farming is the exclusion of GMOs, a tenet firmly anchored in European law. A policy shift undermining this foundation jeopardizes the credibility and trust in organic products.”

In addition to the backing from tens of thousands of citizens, the petition also garners support from prominent organizations like Bionext, Greenpeace, and the Seed Foundation, collectively emphasizing the urgency of preserving GMO-free food.

Now, with so many signatures on the line, it's clear: Dutch citizens want transparency, freedom of choice, and protection for their food and the organic sector they trust. It's up to the House of Representatives to decide whether to heed this call.


Source: Bionext