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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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WUR: Share of sustainable food purchases increases

27 September 2022

Consumers spent €9.5 billion on sustainable food in 2021. We are spending more and more on products with sustainability labels like Beter Leven, Organic and Rainforest Alliance. These are the conclusions of the Sustainab...

CBS: Consumer confidence hits new low

27 September 2022

Consumers were gloomier than ever in September 2022, breaking the low consumer confidence record for the fifth time this year. In September, confidence stood at -59, down from -54 in August. Consumers have never been so ...

Brave New Food takes new step towards sustainable food

27 September 2022

Brave New Food is taking a new step in the quest for more healthy and sustainable food products. With the Startup Challenge 2022, the company is calling on their network of both innovative startups and well-established c...

Laurens Hoedemaker: 'I am averse to fussing about power'

22 September 2022

At the beginning of last year, Laurens Hoedemaker (51) took office as the new chairman of the Central Organisation for the Meat Sector (COV) and the Dutch Meat Industry Association (VNV). Before that, he was director of ...

Poultry slaughterhouses suffer from tight supply of CO2

22 September 2022

Poultry slaughterhouses in the Netherlands are clearly feeling the effects of a tight supply of CO2, said chairman Gert-Jan Oplaat of the association of the Dutch poultry processing industry Nepluvi. "It varies per slaug...

CSRD affects more and more food companies

22 September 2022

New European directives force large companies to compile and publish their sustainability reports even more sharply. Are these in line with the Paris climate accords and will companies' implementation agendas achieve the...

Fantastic new proteins …and where to find them…

21 September 2022

The protein transition is in full swing. Product developers and food technologists develop innovative ingredients and sustainable products: fantasy becomes reality. But ... how fantastic are they really? How can you keep...

Optimising aroma and taste of meat substitutes

21 September 2022

The demand for meat, dairy and fish replacement products is growing steadily. Producers are investing heavily to improve their range. Aroma and taste are the main challenges, because vegetable proteins from soya or peas,...

99.6 per cent slaughterhouses comply with regulations

21 September 2022

"In 2021, the NVWA carried out as many as 88,000 inspections at Dutch slaughterhouses. The NVWA's new Compliance Monitor shows that no less than 99.6% of the companies complied with laws and regulations. The companies an...

Food industry turnover rose 19.6 per cent

20 September 2022

Food industry turnover rose 19.6 per cent in July this year compared to July last year. At the beginning of July this year, three quarters of food industry entrepreneurs did suffer from production constraints and that nu...

Butchers closures due to high energy prices

20 September 2022

Almost 75% of Koninklijke Nederlandse Slagers (KNS) member butchers are suffering from extremely high energy prices, a member survey shows. Healthy butchers' businesses can hardly continue their operations as a result. T...

Major problems for the food industry

19 September 2022

Sharply rising costs and high uncertainty on the sales side are creating extraordinary times in the food industry. In the short term, inflation and a possible recession are the main strategic issues for many food entrepr...

New Commission Notice allergen cross-contamination

16 September 2022

The European Commission has issued clarification on preventing cross-contamination with allergens. The practical guide shows that cross-contamination cannot always be prevented and the legal requirements should therefore...

Transition in packaging at Empack and FachPack

14 September 2022

Sustainability is demanded not only by the law but also by consumers - and this is causing profound changes in the food industry. Covid-19 has put a focus on the hygiene aspect of product protection. The theme "transitio...

New at HAS: Plant proteins workshop

14 September 2022

HAS green academy is organising the Plant proteins workshop for the first time on Thursday 24 November 2022. The reason for this is the increasing demand from both the food industry and consumers for products containing ...