Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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The 10 most-read articles of June 2024

From energy-saving innovations and sustainable production methods to health warnings and groundbreaking technologies, these are the stories that captured the most attention in June 2024. 1. Schmidt Zeevis invests in t..

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Green promises, no actions in supermarkets

05 October 2023

Although supermarkets claim to prioritize sustainability, there appears to be a stark contrast between their aspirations and their actual deeds. The 'Green Superlist 2023', published by think-tank Questionmark in collabo...

Meat consumption hits historical low in 2022

04 October 2023

The recently published "Meat Report 2023" reveals a striking trend: Dutch people appear to be gradually reducing their meat consumption. According to the latest figures from Wageningen University & Research, the tota...

Deceptive Dinners: What Happened to Whole Grain?

04 October 2023

Stel je voor: na een drukke werkdag loop je naar de supermarkt op zoek naar een kant-en-klare maaltijd. Je verwacht een gezonde keuze te kunnen maken met volkoren granen. Maar, laat je niet misleiden door de verpakking! ...

Call for GMO-free food reaches government

04 October 2023

On October 3rd, representatives of the Organic Retail Association approached the Dutch government with a powerful message, backed by an impressive 45,000 signatures. Their demand? Maintain transparency and choice in our ...

Imbalance in food prices: Consumers foot the bill

04 October 2023

In a surprising twist, it appears that despite a 4.2 percent drop in producers' prices for food items since January 2023, the prices Dutch consumers pay for their food have actually increased by 3.7 percent. This noticea...

Een bezoek aan de innovatiebrouwerij van Heineken

03 October 2023

Op 29 september 2023 bezocht ik samen met een selecte groep van 25 ondernemers uit de foodindustrie, het kloppend hart van bierinnovatie: de innovatiebrouwerij van Heineken in 's-Hertogenbosch. Deze bijzondere brouwerij,...

Dutch Food Week 2023 Kicks Off in Arnhem

03 October 2023

Dutch Food Week will open this year on Friday, October 6th at 12:30 PM with a market for everyone in the heart of Arnhem. Near the Eusebius Church, local producers and innovative entrepreneurs will engage with the public...

Unilever achieves results with regenerative agriculture

03 October 2023

Imagine a world where agriculture doesn't just produce food, but also plays a part in healing our planet. Unilever is turning this vision into reality, now unveiling the promising results of its regenerative agriculture ...

Umiami secures €32.5 million for plant-based meat innovation

03 October 2023

Umiami, a French foodtech startup specializing in plant-based meat with a taste and texture nearly indistinguishable from real meat, has announced a remarkable funding round of €32.5 million. This brings their total fina...

Innovations in Zeeland: deep-sea wine and a sea-based protein

03 October 2023

On October 3, 2023, the Provincial Executive made an exciting announcement: four projects in Zeeland received a significant financial boost through the 'Zeeland in Acceleration' program. Together, they share a staggering... launches the first healthy meal platform

03 October 2023

Health and convenience, two elements that often seem hard to merge in today's bustling world. However, the brand-new Dutch platform,, is here to change that. The site has officially been launched and offers a...

Hogeslag-Olst: Quality and Added Value

02 October 2023

At Hogeslag-Olst, quality is a cornerstone, both in product and partnership. This dedication is not just for customers, but also for suppliers and team members. Their mantra? "It's a collective effort." This beef prod...

Investing in Foodtech: Essential for growth

02 October 2023

Progress is fundamental. In the Dutch food industry, there's an escalating demand for technological innovations. Why? Because the high labor costs in the Netherlands necessitate efficient business operations. With over h...

De 10 best gelezen verhalen van september 2023

02 October 2023

September was een hele drukke maand op onze website, om er zeker van te zijn dat je de highlights niet mist, hebben we de best gelezen verhalen en nieuwsberichten van september voor je op een rijtje gezet. 1. Van Gelo...

Waste Fund rewards sustainable packaging choices

02 October 2023

The Waste Fund Packaging revealed on 2 October a new approach, "Rate Differentiation 2.0," to encourage manufacturers and importers to use recycled plastic in their packaging. This innovative system aims to close the pac...