New EU rules: origin labels for fruit and vegetables in 2025
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EU mandates origin labeling on packaging fruit and vegetables

  • 29 July 2024

Starting January 1 2025, packaging for fruits and vegetables must clearly indicate the product's origin. This change stems from new EU trade standards outlined in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2429 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2430. Previously, it was not mandatory to mention the origin of sliced fruits and vegetables, but this will change under the new rules.

The adjustments align with the European Commission's Farm to Fork strategy and the United Nations' sustainability goals. By clearly stating the country of origin, it is hoped that consumers will more often choose domestic products, potentially reducing the ecological footprint. For the Dutch market, this could mean an increase in the consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables.

Impact on the fruit and vegetable sector

For companies in the fruit and vegetable supply chain, these rules mean that packaging and labels must be updated. This could have logistical and financial implications. Companies need to ensure that origin information is accurate and visible, enabling consumers to make more informed choices. The new regulations also apply to products that fall outside of the EU trade standards, broadening the scope of these changes.

This initiative by the European Commission highlights the importance of transparency in the food supply chain and supports broader sustainability goals. More details on the specific requirements can be found on the KCB website. It is expected that this measure will not only enhance transparency but also boost demand for local products.

Image: ©stockwars/

Source: NFO Fruit