NVWA: Ban on mixing pigs in slaughterhouses
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NVWA: Ban on mixing pigs in slaughter­houses

  • 07 August 2024

Starting August 15, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) will strictly enforce the ban on mixing groups of pigs upon arrival at slaughterhouses. This means that pigs transported together in one compartment of a livestock truck are considered a group and must not be mixed with animals from other groups. Violations will result in a report and a fine of €2,500.

Scientific research and policy changes

The ban follows a 2022 enforcement request, which argued that mixing pigs in slaughterhouses causes unnecessary pain, stress, and suffering. The NVWA investigated and evaluated this request based on scientific research. The findings confirmed that merging different groups of pigs indeed leads to stress and unrest among the animals. These new insights have prompted the decision to enforce the prohibition on mixing pig groups more strictly in slaughterhouses.

Exemptions for collection centers and transporters

The enforcement policy applies only to slaughterhouses and not to collection centers or livestock transporters, as different regulations apply to these groups. While the mixing of pigs during transport is not entirely prohibited, the European Food Safety Authority advises avoiding it as much as possible. Animals that are hostile towards each other must be transported separately according to the Transport Regulation.

Since 2023, the NVWA has considered mixing pigs in slaughterhouse holding areas as a violation. However, slaughterhouses were given time to adjust their processes and facilities to comply with the new policy. The NVWA has already recorded violations and informed slaughterhouses about the upcoming ban.


Source: NVWA