The 10 best-read news items July 2024
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The 10 best-read news items July 2024

  • 08 August 2024

In July 2024, food industry news revolved mostly around sustainability and technological innovations. From AI and robotics innovating production processes to companies working together to reduce water use and capture new markets. Royal A-ware's acquisition of The Dairy Food Group also attracted a lot of attention, as did the new rules for origin labeling of fruits and vegetables. Read on for an overview of this month's most popular stories!

1. AI and robotics are transforming food production

04 July 2024 | Artificial intelligence (AI) makes production processes in the food industry more efficient, accelerates product development, and contributes to a more sustainable food system. A company culture that encourages experimentation and accepts mistakes is crucial for success.

2. Sustainable food system: more chicken and legumes

26 June 2024 | By restructuring the European food system, 44% less agricultural land could be required and greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by 70%. These findings come from model calculations by PhD candidate Wolfram Simon from Wageningen University & Research, published in Nature Food. The study combines circular agriculture and the protein transition, where plant-based proteins replace animal proteins.

3. Potato sector focuses on water reduction and sustainability

02 July 2024 | Agristo, Aviko, Duynie, Lamb Weston, and Peka Kroef are joining forces in a groundbreaking collaboration aimed at sustainability. These companies are focusing on implementing techniques that reduce water consumption in the potato processing industry while maximizing nutrient valorization. The shared goal is to operate sustainably and create a positive impact on the environment.

4. Royal A-ware to acquire The Dairy Food Group

12 July 2024 | Royal A-ware Food Group plans to acquire the Belgian family business The Dairy Food Group. This acquisition includes the daily milk collection by BMC (Belgian Milk Company) and the companies Eurodesserts, Limelco, Incopack, and Incorock. The proposed acquisition will be promptly notified to the European Commission.

5. Labor shortages push food industry towards robotics

17 July 2024 | Food manufacturers are heavily investing in robotics to address labor shortages. Robots can make production processes more efficient and improve working conditions, but their implementation is not straightforward. Rabobank spoke with 22 medium-sized food manufacturers who are all engaged in robotics, yet face various challenges.

6. Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack join forces

05 July 2024 | Heemskerk fresh & easy and Fruity Pack have announced that they will collaborate from July 1, 2024. This partnership strengthens their market position by focusing on their core activities. The collaboration allows them to offer a complete and innovative range tailored to the needs of both customers and consumers. This partnership leads to a more sustainable and efficient supply chain.

7. Bracamonte Convenient Kitchen acquires StarCuisine

02 July 2024 | Bracamonte Convenient Kitchen has become the new owner of StarCuisine, the specialist in ultra-fresh convenience meals and food service solutions. This strategic acquisition strengthens Bracamonte’s position within the rapidly growing convenience market in both Retail and Foodservice. StarCuisine offers a wide range of ultra-fresh meals, perfectly aligning with Bracamonte’s ambitions.

8. Boermarke expands plant-based range to Foodservice

03 July 2024 | Boermarke, known for its dairy products, made a significant shift in mid-2023 by fully transitioning to plant-based alternatives. This decision has proven successful, with their plant-based yogurt, cheese, and ice cream now available in supermarkets across 24 European countries. Boermarke is now extending this initiative to the Foodservice sector to further support the protein transition.

9. Protein transition and the role of fish

01 July 2024 | Fish plays a crucial role in the protein transition. This transition aims to shift towards fewer animal and more plant-based proteins. The ministry emphasizes that higher consumption of marine proteins does not impact the import of soy for animal feed, thus the focus is on reducing meat consumption, particularly red and processed meat. This contributes to better health, lower environmental impact, and reduced dependency on soy imports.

10. EU mandates origin labeling on packaging fruit and vegetables

29 July 2024 | Starting January 1 2025, packaging for fruits and vegetables must clearly indicate the product's origin. This change stems from new EU trade standards outlined in Delegated Regulation (EU) 2023/2429 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/2430. Previously, it was not mandatory to mention the origin of sliced fruits and vegetables, but this will change under the new rules.

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024