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The 10 most-read articles of June 2024

From energy-saving innovations and sustainable production methods to health warnings and groundbreaking technologies, these are the stories that captured the most attention in June 2024. 1. Schmidt Zeevis invests in t..

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Frans Veugen Bedrijfshygiëne wordt Veugen Technology

02 October 2023

Frans Veugen Bedrijfshygiëne BV, een gerespecteerd bedrijf dat in 1988 werd opgericht, maakt een evolutie door met een naamswijziging naar Veugen Technology. De beslissing om van naam te veranderen komt voort uit de groe...

Cargill opens a new European Protein Innovation Hub

02 October 2023

Cargill marks an exciting chapter in food innovation by launching its first European Protein Innovation Hub in Saint-Cyr en Val, France. This state-of-the-art hub is not just a response to growing customer demands but a ...

What we truly think about sustainable food

28 September 2023

Milieu Centraal recently released the 'Sustainability Life Monitor 2023'. This report provides a clear and in-depth understanding of the attitudes and actions of the Dutch regarding sustainability. Crucial for the food i...

The Netherlands is leading importer of deforestation products

28 September 2023

In a recent report from the CBS, it is revealed that the Netherlands is at the forefront as the EU's leading importer of products linked to deforestation. The Dutch food industry is the primary user. From soybeans to pal...

Dutch hospitals strive for healthy and sustainable food

27 September 2023

With the innovative program 'Taste Good Care', Dutch hospitals are setting a new standard for healthy and sustainable nutrition. Central to this initiative is not just the food offering, but the entire meal system. Th...

Incorrect cost allocation in meat and livestock inspections

27 September 2023

In a recent development, the Business Appeals Tribunal (CBb) ruled that some of the costs for meat and livestock inspections should not have been borne by slaughterhouses and livestock exporters. This judgment follows a ...

From meat to fish: Sustainability drives choice

26 September 2023

More and more Dutch people are consciously opting for fish over meat due to environmental considerations, as revealed by recent findings from the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)...

Reverse design: the future of food production

26 September 2023

How do you bring a food product to the market that tantalizes the taste buds while also being sustainable, healthy, and affordable? Experts from Wageningen offer an answer with an innovative approach: reverse design. ...

What technology is needed to grow insects?

26 September 2023

Cultivating mealworms: Equans Refrigeration outlines the requirements for a cultivation installation. With the increasing demand for alternative proteins, insect farming is becoming increasingly lucrative. Gert Boersm...

The complexity of processed Food: environment vs. health

25 September 2023

Recent health trends are steering us towards unprocessed foods, but what if opting for that healthy snack actually leaves a bigger footprint on our planet? Research conducted by Reina Vellinga, a researcher at RIVM, unve...

EU bans greenwashing and boosts product guarantees

22 September 2023

The EU Parliament has struck a provisional agreement on updated rules aimed at eliminating misleading advertisements and supplying consumers with improved information on product longevity. This understanding seeks to ...

Fungi For Future Wins Lineage's Hackathon

22 September 2023

On September 21, Lineage, a leading business in cold chain logistics, announced the winner of their hackathon 'Tackling Food Waste for a Sustainable Future' held in Amsterdam. After two days of intensive collaboration an...

Contamination risks evaporators severely underestimated

21 September 2023

In most refrigeration, freezing and production rooms, evaporators are installed on the ceiling. These might look clean and hygienic on the exterior, but are heavily contaminated on the inside. The result: contamination r...

First chickens vaccinated against avian influenza virus

21 September 2023

In the Netherlands, the first step has been taken in the fight against avian influenza: 1,800 day-old chicks have been vaccinated against highly pathogenic avian influenza. This field trial, initiated by the Ministry of ...

Glufosinate detected in organic products

21 September 2023

Recent studies have discovered glufosinate in various organic goods. Glufosinate, an herbicide similar to glyphosate, is strictly prohibited in organic farming. This revelation casts a shadow of doubt over the authentici...