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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Column Judith Witte: Taking risks

16 May 2022

Just before Easter, my daughter left in the middle of the night for a 2-year postponed school trip '24 hours to Paris'. Early in the morning, I had the following whatsapp conversation with her: She: Mom, can I have Ki...

Online edition May 2022: Food safety

16 May 2022

Food producers are expected to do everything reasonably possible to prevent people from getting sick from food. Yet there are still outbreaks and recalls almost every day. Apparently, ensuring food safe...

JacKit renovates at Maasland Vleeswaren

16 May 2022

JacKit has recently renovated a quick cooling system with Sealwise at Maasland Vleeswaren B.V. During the job it turned out once again that you can always come across unexpected problems during a renovation. In this case...

New perspectives for the meat and protein industry

13 May 2022

The outlook for the meat and protein industry and its suppliers is positive despite difficult underlying conditions. German production of process technology for this sector rose to a peak in 2021, and exports were also a...

Week Without Meat & Dairy more impactful than ever

12 May 2022

1 in 5 Dutch people (19%) took part in the fifth edition of the National Week Without Meat & Dairy 2022. This is the highest number of participants since the start of the annual campaign in 2018. New this year was th...

Higher rates for difficult recyclable packaging

12 May 2022

In order to further encourage the use of easily recyclable packaging, the Packaging Waste Fund (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen) will increase the fee paid by companies for the collection and recycling of their packaging for dif...

Dutch parliament does not want a meat tax

11 May 2022

On Tuesday 10 May 2022, a majority in the Lower House supported a motion by the PVV asking the government not to implement a meat tax. Minister Staghouwer of LNV informed the House in March that he was considering a s...

Identifying risks of contamination

10 May 2022

Food and safety are inextricably linked. At specialist cleaning company Hago Food & Industry, they know better than anyone that even the best quality systems are not always enough to prevent contamination: ears and e...

NBC: 'Price rise of bread only 5 to 10 percent'

10 May 2022

According to the media, the price of bread would double, but new figures from the Dutch Bakery Centre (NBC) show the opposite. The increase is at most 5 to 10 percent. Thus, the increase is considerably lower and bread r...

Avocados continue to gain popularity

10 May 2022

Avocados are becoming more and more popular. South America is producing more and more. For the European market, extra information is needed to match the level of the US, the largest import market in the world. A recen...

Cheese trade volume down due to reduced milk supply

10 May 2022

The effects of the decreased milk production in Western Europe continue to show in the global trade in Dutch cheeses: the monthly trading volume in January 2022 dropped 7.4% year-over-year, marking the lowest volume for ...

Protein transition: lack of focus on equity

10 May 2022

Protein transition is not just about eating less meat. It is also about equal distribution around the world. ‘Right now the focus on equitability is missing’, says Stacy Pyett, Program Manager Proteins for Life. Pyett...

The link between micronutrients and food choice

09 May 2022

Many reports show that non-human animals have the ability to select foods based on their micronutrient (nutrients of which we need only a small amount to function) composition. However, it is unclear whether humans also ...

Online auction machines former Van Linge Avebe

04 May 2022

Various industrial machines and laboratory equipment from the former Van Linge Avebe innovation centre, are due to be auctioned online via the platform of Troostwijk Auctions due to relocation of the production location ...

Grazing dairy cow most efficient farm animal

04 May 2022

The Belgian Feed Association (BFA), in collaboration with ILVO, has conducted a study into the edible protein efficiency of Belgian cattle. This study is the first to chart the relationship between, on the one hand, the ...