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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Effectively saving energy in steam production

07 June 2022

It is perhaps more relevant than ever: how do you save energy in the production process? Steam is a very common energy carrier in industry and most of it is generated from gas. As much as 75% of the potential energy savi...

What printer goes with a flowpacker or traysealer?

07 June 2022

Within the food industry, and certainly in the fruit and vegetable sector, we often see products being packaged using a trayseal or flowpack machine. In both ways of packaging, various information needs to be printed on ...

Advanced recycling for packaging waste

07 June 2022

The Dutch Packaging Waste Fund Foundation (Afvalfonds Verpakkingen) and Nedvang work together to enable advanced recycling of packaging waste. In this context, the Dutch Packaging Waste Fund and Nedvang concluded a coope...

Young people eat less meat when they live on their own

07 June 2022

Certain life events may cause young adults (18-35 years) to eat less meat. Especially leaving the parental home to live on their own or with roommates can influence their meat consumption, according to them. This is due ...

NVWA introduces food safety checkpoint

07 June 2022

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) works together with private inspection agencies that apply a monitoring system to companies that supply food to consumers. These agencies do not replace NVWA su...

Ojah launches vegetable pork tenderloin

07 June 2022

In Ochten, in the province of Gelderland, just a stone's throw from the Dutch Foodvalley, a dedicated effort has been made over the past three years to develop a vegetable 'pork tenderloin'. Sander Meeuws - Product De...

NAPV information campaign starts: 'Every step counts'.

07 June 2022

On 28 June 2022, during a digital meeting, State Secretary Van Ooijen will give the go-ahead for an information campaign about the National Product Improvement Approach (NAPV), under the motto: 'Every step counts. Togeth...


02 June 2022

The largest chicken meat producer in the Ukraine (MHP) quickly needed a second tray sealer for the site in Veenendaal. The choice fell on the TX 730. Within six months it was successfully brought into use. A remarkable a...

Harmful pesticides on fruit and vegetables increased

02 June 2022

European citizens have been exposed to a dramatic rise in the frequency and intensity of residues of the most toxic pesticides on fruits and vegetables sold in the EU, according to a report by PAN Europe. The report cont...

Rabobank: trade in seafood remains strong

02 June 2022

Global demand for fish and seafood rose sharply during corona and is expected to reach USD 13 billion by 2021. Rising demand for fisheries and aquaculture products made fish and seafood the most traded animal protein in ...

10 important tips for ensuring food safety

01 June 2022

Machines that can be cleaned properly are a primary requirement for preventing problems and guaranteeing food safety. How do you choose the best suitable machine for the job? ABB's white paper "Food Safety" helps compani...

Pork exports drop sharply by 28.7%

01 June 2022

In the first quarter of 2022, the export from the EU to third countries was significantly lower than a year earlier. The export decreased with no less than 28,7%. The decline in exports to China is the main reason for th...

Noordhoek becomes part of Royal A-ware

01 June 2022

Family companies Royal A-ware and Noordhoek recently signed an agreement whereby Noordhoek will be taken over by Royal A-ware. On Monday 30 May 2022, Noordhoek's employees were informed about the proposed takeover. After...

Low corn supply has big impact on feed costs

31 May 2022

For its feed, the Netherlands is highly dependent on imports from the Ukraine. Because of the war, the availability of corn is also under pressure. This affects the Dutch pig farming sector and the poultry sector in part...

Two-year contract deal for Dutch meat sector

30 May 2022

The Central Organisation for the Meat Sector (COV) has reached an agreement with the trade unions for a two-year collective labour agreement for the approximately 10,000 employees in the Dutch meat sector. Wages will ris...