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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Collaboration goes beyond partnership

07 May 2019

Sismatic supplies a broad range of high-quality machines for the food industry, but was lacking a partner in the field of processing and preparing food. Schomaker supplies those machines and has found an ideal partner fo...

‘Footprint is the new currency'

07 May 2019

The climate policy and CO2 reduction is a hot topic. How do you deal with this as a food producer? Catering and supermarkets are already asking for insight into the CO2 footprints of their suppliers: how are you going to...

Professionals in online auctions

07 May 2019

Hergebruikt, Marktplaats, Speurders: giving your stuff a second life has never been more popular. That also applies to the food industry. The online auction agency Industrial Actions has grown like cabbage in a few years...

Back to the origin

07 May 2019

In a not so distant past, food products were local and seasonal, and therefore not available year round. There was no refrigerator, only a basement. Controlling the temperature was a lot harder at the time. Vegetables an...

Pink Chevrolet

07 May 2019

‘What brand and colour of car cause the most accidents?’ An investigation has been conducted among insurers. As if it depends on the car instead of the driver... The discussion fires up on the radio. ‘What could be the n...

Ambivalence around tuna

02 May 2019

The Netherlands loves tuna. There is no doubt about that. As a steak, on a pizza, through a salad or in a trendy lemur sushiroll - tuna ranks second among the favourite and most eaten fish species in our country, especia...

Market for meat substitutes continues to grow

01 May 2019

Now that large food companies are responding to the popularity of meat substitutes, more and more innovation is taking place: on taste, structure and ingredients. This will lead to even stronger growth in this market in ...

Pig sickness a concern or a blessing?

30 April 2019

Rabobank sees optimism but also uncertainty in pig farming. The increased demand for pork is leading to rising prices, even though the number of outbreaks of African swine fever is still increasing. This creates uncertai...

Tony Chocolonely most durable brand

23 April 2019

The Sustainable Brand Index, an annual survey of 6,000 consumers on their perception of sustainability, has published its figures. Tony's Chocolonely has once again been voted the most sustainable (food) brand in the Net...

Finalists Amsterdam Food Pitch 2019

22 April 2019

On Friday 19 April, the professional jury announced the 12 finalists of the Amsterdam Food Pitch. More than 77 enthusiastic participants have applied to compete for the coveted title 'Delicious product of 2019'. The big ...

Dutch food consumption can drop by 1/3

19 April 2019

The production of food has consequences for the environment, all over the world. Making food consumption more sustainable is only possible if consumers, civil society organisations and all parties in the chain, from plat...

Jumbo shortened payment term

19 April 2019

Jumbo will pay small suppliers - up to 200,000 euros per year - within thirty days. In addition, even larger manufacturers can get their invoices paid earlier via a new service. Last year, the Financieele Dagblad (FD)...

Dutch veal finds sales in China

19 April 2019

The opening of the Chinese market for Dutch veal was celebrated with a Dutch Veal Event in Beijing on 17 April. The VanDrie Group organised this event together with the Dutch Embassy in China and the Central Organisation...

Interventions in healthy eating

16 April 2019

The Foundation for Innovation in Glasshouse Horticulture (SIGN) commissioned Dr. Maaike de Vries and Lea Bouwmeester to explore which interventions can speed up the transition to a healthy diet. This led to the report 'W...

Start of recycling campaign Dairy pack

16 April 2019

On Monday 15 April, the campaign 'Zuivelpak volledig recyclebaar' (Dairy pack fully recyclable) was launched. The dairy industry, supermarket sector and drinks carton producers want to inform consumers about the good rec...