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Top 10 most-read stories of 2024

What a year 2024 was! The food industry was bursting with innovations, ambitious projects, and striking trends. From sustainable production facilities to groundbreaking technologies – these were the stories that caught y..

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Free icons to help stop COVID-19

07 April 2020

Safety and Identification Specialist Brady Corporation offers downloadable safety icons to help stop the spread of the coronavirus. Anyone can freely download the print-ready files from Brady's websites. Communicate s...

Postponement of tax payments

06 April 2020

Entrepreneurs and freelancers who get into trouble because of the corona crisis can ask for a postponement of payment. This request for postponement is now made more flexible: it becomes easier for all entrepreneurs to a...

For each other

06 April 2020

"So, what do you guys think of this cruesli?" I ask the kids. Now that (certain) shelves in the supermarket are empty, we move on to other brands than the ones we prefer. Flexible as we are, we are constantly looking for...

Think differently - otherwise you won't reach the younger generations.

06 April 2020

You could call Marko van de Plasse an inventor. He researches, tries, falls and stands up again, to continue experimenting and to find solutions. By doing so new processing and packaging methods are created, aimed at the...

The future of food processing

06 April 2020

The food processing industry is becoming increasingly 'smarter': thanks to automation processes and new techniques. What does this mean for the work floor? What is the industry up against, what solutions are being offere...

Lazy Foods supplies Europe with fresh chilled guacamole

06 April 2020

Avocados require smooth processing due to their rapid discolouration. If that process is partly manual, the machine part cannot fail. A tamper-proof sealing machine is then indispensable.  "No party in America wi...

The foundation of things

06 April 2020

I just got out of an audit. Seen by many as a time-consuming obligation; a 'necessary evil', necessary to obtain and/or maintain your certifications. I prefer to see it as a useful instrument: a test that gives you insig...

Hogeslag invests in sustainable employee policy

06 April 2020

"Our people are the company's capital asset. When we stop investing in our people, all other expenses will be a waste", says Rudi Holleboom, director of operations at Hogeslag Olst BV.  Beef producer Hogeslag Ols...

Corona - the new reality

06 April 2020

Recently, around the year 1500, Columbus brought the flu and measles to America. Result: the Indian population halved. The first pandemic. I said 'recent', because 400 years (30 - 40 generations) is a very short period o...

Smart and efficient processing system for chicken fillets

06 April 2020

Processing chicken fillet; that's what Van Leeuwen Chicken Specialities is all about. As quickly and as flexibly as possible, while maintaining the highest quality. With this in mind, Jansen Techniek, in collaboration wi...

Pay per packaging, or free packing?

06 April 2020

As a Dutch manufacturer of thermoformed packaging machines, we are very involved in the crisis that befalls us all. The new circumstances call for new forms of cooperation. Yesterday's certainties have suddenly become un...

Ultra-efficient new micro sieve technology

06 April 2020

Do you want to purify food, or detect contaminants in water at breakneck speed? Then microfiltration is extremely useful. The Dutch company Aquamarijn has developed a new type of micro sieve, 90 percent more economical t...

75 years of freedom

06 April 2020

There you are, suddenly working from home like most of the Dutch people. That's a bit of an adjustment. The focus is different... you miss the freedom to go wherever you want. If possible, you have to work from home. ...

Search for animal protein substitutes

06 April 2020

More and more consumers are switching to a diet with less meat, partly for sustainability reasons. The market for meat substitutes is growing in volume, quality and variety. The vast majority of these meat alternatives c...

COVID-19 maatregelen MULTIVAC

31 March 2020

MULTIVAC doet er alles aan om haar medewerkers en relaties te beschermen tegen het virus. Wij mogen onszelf momenteel gelukkig prijzen dat geen enkele collega getroffen is door dit virus. Wij informeren u graag dat wij o...