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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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European Parliament: More inspections Dutch slaughterhouses

28 May 2020

The predicament of European seasonal workers and other migrant workers needs to be addressed by more inspections of workplaces, including the Dutch slaughterhouses. Members of the European Parliament have established thi...

Climate gets more attention due to corona

27 May 2020

The Dutch want to preserve the cleaner air that has been created by shutting down large parts of the economy. A representative sample of ABN AMRO and Ipsos shows that more than 71% of those surveyed want to retain the po...

GlobalData: Global meat industry to decline by 5.3%

27 May 2020

The activity of meat manufacturers across North America continues to generate a lot of noise, with some processing plants from major companies such as Tyson and JBS resuming operations. Continued turbulence among meat pa...

No low hanging fruit within agricultural and food policy

26 May 2020

Based on the political and social debate, the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has inventoried and analysed a broad spectrum of possible policy measures for effectiveness, feasibility and legal legitimac...

Parliament: No Brexit agreement without fisheries

26 May 2020

On 26 May 2020 in Brussels, the Parliamentary Committee on Fisheries adopted its final position on the European Union's future relations with the United Kingdom. CDA MEP and fisheries spokesperson Annie Schreijer-Pierik ...

MULTIVAC: All your packaging matters in one hand

25 May 2020

If you are a processor of fresh food, such as meat, fish, meat substitutes, ready meals, sliced AGF, soft fruit, cheese, sauces, spices, delicacies, we will help you with the right choice of packaging materials. All MULT...

HAK: more sustainable farming with compensation for the farmer

20 May 2020

Despite all the commotion from the LTO about the sustainability label On the way to PlanetProof last week, vegetable manufacturer HAK persists in getting all its freshly processed vegetables and legumes from Dutch soil O...

Entrepreneurs trust lowest ever measured

19 May 2020

Because of the corona crisis and the accompanying measures, entrepreneurs have not been so pessimistic since the start of the measurement. Entrepreneur confidence stood at -37.2 compared to 6.4 in the previous quarter. T...

Last chance accelerated climate subsidies for industry

15 May 2020

Until 30 June 2020, the Accelerated Climate Investment Industry scheme still offers great opportunities for investments in energy efficiency, recycling and reuse of waste, local infrastructure and other CO2-reducing meas...

Hand in hand

15 May 2020

King's Day 2020. No strange junk on markets and no ridiculous sales pitch about how functional those broken things are. No live music. No overcrowded terraces. No bratwurst or hamburgers from a shady stand on the square....

Jacob Schilstra: "Dare to be critical"

15 May 2020

If you want to know more about the state of food safety in the Netherlands and the world, you can't escape a conversation with Jacob Schilstra, director at Riskplaza and director of Business Development at KTBA.  ...

The future of food safety

15 May 2020

The horsemeat affair, salmonella in smoked salmon, Q fever, bird flu, the pesticide fipronil in eggs; one might almost think that food safety in the Netherlands and Europe is poor. Is it? We discuss it with Marco Balhuiz...

Demand for high-care washing is growing

15 May 2020

The laundry industry is a circular process 'avant la lettre', says Michel Heerkens, director of Lavans in Helmond, which has existed since 1928. "Ancient and ultramodern. I foresee that our high-care food department will...

Nocotech disinfects thoroughly

15 May 2020

Nocotech, introduced to the Dutch food market four years ago by Simpel Desinfecteren, disinfects thoroughly. The dry vapour is biodegradable and the system is safe for humans and the environment. Medical sector priori...

From the outside and from the inside

15 May 2020

External food safety During this corona crisis, it becomes crystal clear that we are running considerable risks, also with regard to food safety. It is known that direct contact with insects and (infected) animals thr...