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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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The benefits of smaller portions: less eating, less waste

13 March 2024

Amber Werkman, a PhD candidate in marketing at the University of Groningen, presents an innovative approach in the battle against overconsumption and food waste: promoting smaller portion sizes. Her research focused on p...

CSRD shakes up the food industry

13 March 2024

The Dutch food industry is on the brink of significant changes. New legislation and societal pressure are increasingly focusing on sustainability. Supermarket suppliers are being closely scrutinized. Those who fail to im...

PAN: 7 out of 10 Dutch demand less pesticide use

13 March 2024

The Netherlands is renowned for its flourishing agricultural sector. However, this sector is currently under the spotlight, not for its successes, but for its intensive use of pesticides. Recent research commissioned by ...

Schouten makes meat alternatives with mycoprotein

12 March 2024

Schouten Europe introduces mycoprotein as the new base for its range of meat substitutes. This move aligns with their commitment to producing nutritious, minimally processed products with a low environmental footprint. ...

Uploading Passport to LinkedIn, What About Privacy?

11 March 2024

LinkedIn aims to expand its users' reach by rolling out a new identity verification method via Persona. But is increased reach worth your privacy? This initiative comes with quite a few caveats! What you need to know ...

Future vision for Dutch North Sea fisheries

11 March 2024

On March 8, 2024, Minister Adema of Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV) presented a significant vision to the Dutch Parliament. This vision, focusing on 'Food from Sea and Large Waters,' is crucial for the Dutch ...

EFSA: Low antibiotic residues in food

11 March 2024

A recent report by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) indicates that levels of drug residues and other substances in animals and animal-derived food remain low. EFSA's report examines a range of substance group...

Billions still spent on junk food advertising

08 March 2024

The fight against obesity in the Netherlands remains challenging. Six years after commitments were made to tackle this issue, the number of overweight Dutch citizens continues to rise. A recent study highlights the signi...

Dutch protein transition: A growing economic force

08 March 2024

The Dutch food industry is experiencing notable growth, particularly in the protein transition sector. With over 425 companies and institutions actively engaged, the annual production value reaches an impressive €881 mil...

introduce new series cross-web labellers

07 March 2024

MULTIVAC is set to unveil its new CL 1 series cross-web labellers at Anuga FoodTec. Designed for compact thermoforming packaging machines, these labellers can be integrated into both new and existing machines. Featuring ...

EU sets strict packaging standards from 2030

07 March 2024

The European Union has recently taken a significant step in its commitment to sustainability. On Monday, March 4th, the European Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on new regulations for packaging mat...

99% circular nutrition achievable by 2030

07 March 2024

A recent study by Van Hall Larenstein and NIZO Food Research reveals that significant reduction of the carbon footprint in the food processing industry is possible. Researchers Peter de Jong, Franciska Woudstra-van Lune,...

Dairy industry: Balancing growth and challenges

06 March 2024

The Dutch dairy market faces challenges and opportunities in 2024. Rabobank highlights the current situation and future expectations in this dynamic sector. In the first half of 2024, we observe a decline in milk supp...

CBS: In 2023, 25% of main meals were vegetarian

06 March 2024

In 2023, a quarter of all main meals eaten in the Netherlands were vegetarian, as revealed by the CBS Health Survey/Lifestyle Monitor 2023. This shift in dietary preferences indicates a growing trend towards plant-based ...

De 10 best gelezen verhalen van februari 2024

06 March 2024

Februari 2024 was een maand vol interessante ontwikkelingen in de voedingsindustrie, en we hebben de tien meest gelezen verhalen voor je op een rij gezet. Van de verschuiving van Boermarke naar plantaardige producten, to...