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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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How does your Overall Equipment Effectiveness score?

07 December 2021

One person calls it Overall Equipment Effectiveness, another says Overall Equipment Efficiency. The terminology remains the same and both people mean the same thing. The OEE, or the percentage that represents how your ma...

Bond Seafood delivers first tray with CurvCode

07 December 2021

Newly designed recyclable fish packaging from Bond Seafood with CurvCode is on the shelves at Jumbo Supermarkets. CurvCode is a Dutch innovation for the digital coding of plastic. It works like Braille and enables waste ...

Robots extend reach in food industry

03 December 2021

Three years after ING conducted a broad investigation into 'the helping hand of robots to the food industry', what is the state of robotisation in the Dutch food industry and in Europe? ING did research again. What this ...

100th stakeholder for Together Against Food Waste

03 December 2021

The 100th organisation has joined the Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Together Against Food Waste) foundation as a stakeholder: Zwanenberg Food Group. This is an important milestone for the Dutch movement that aims to re...

Secret agreements food industry? ACM conducts raids

02 December 2021

The Dutch Consumer & Market Authority (ACM) is investigating a possible cartel in the food processing sector. For this purpose, the ACM recently carried out raids at several companies in the Netherlands and - with th...

Rabobank: 'Food prices will remain high in 2022'

02 December 2021

2021 has been a year of unprecedented challenges on different fronts. The world is still fighting Covid and its economic and social consequences, which are still largely uncertain. Climate has been extreme in a number of...

Fermentation makes waste streams profitable

02 December 2021

In a circular economy, it is of great importance to make optimal use of food and to avoid wasting it. Together with its partners in the Zijstromen project, Amsterdam Green Campus has developed a new, patented technology ...

53% of the Dutch eat meat substitutes monthly

02 December 2021

Every year, Markteffect conducts extensive research into the popularity and sentiment surrounding meat substitutes. As in previous surveys, a significant portion of the Dutch population indicates to have started eating l...

Barriers in food production

30 November 2021

Almost two-thirds of entrepreneurs are currently unable to produce optimally and meet customer demand. At the start of the fourth quarter, the number of food manufacturers facing production bottlenecks reached its highes...

Innovative food products

30 November 2021

How do we ensure that we produce more sustainable, healthier and sufficient food? Everyone agrees that our food system must change. But how?  There are so many factors to consider: Rising costs and maintaining fo...

How do community initiatives contribute to sustainable food systems?

29 November 2021

Ciska Ulug researched community initiatives that contribute to more sustainable food systems. These initiatives seek an alternative to the global and industrial food system that has destructive effects on the environment...

December offer of used MULTIVAC machines

29 November 2021

Do you need a tray sealer, thermoformer or labeller at very short notice? No time to wait months for delivery? MULTIVAC is quick to respond and offers not only brand new packaging and processing machines but also used ma...

Fish farmers in Wallonia work together on local chain

29 November 2021

Sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for Belgian consumers when buying food. Under the influence of climate concerns and the current pandemic, the interest in local food is strongly increasing. And ...

Arla develops technology to extract protein from milk

26 November 2021

Arla Foods created a technology to separate milk into its different protein components, opening the door to infinite innovation possibilities. The patented method, called milk fractionation, enables scientists, nutrition...

Fruit Logistica postponed to 5-7 April 2022

26 November 2021

The Fruit Logistica, an important trade fair for international fruit and vegetable traders, will be postponed due to corona to 5-7 April 2022. The trade fair organisation announced this on 26 November 2021. At the mom...