SME sustainability grant scheme amended
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SME sustainability grant scheme amended

  • 02 May 2023

The SME Sustainability Grant Scheme (SVM) has been amended and SME entrepreneurs can again apply from now until 30 September 2023 for subsidies to make their businesses more sustainable. Last year's scheme has been improved to increase the quality of advice and support. 

The grant allows SME entrepreneurs to save on energy costs by getting sustainability advice and support. The scheme was temporarily closed after signals from SME entrepreneurs about improper use by some parties. The scheme has now been adjusted and is open for applications again.


Some adjustments have been made, including that the energy adviser helping the SME entrepreneur must have at least 2 years of experience in advising SMEs on energy saving and sustainability. In addition, the annual statement from the energy supplier is now a mandatory attachment to the application and the requirements for the advice have been tightened. The entrepreneur now declares in writing to be aware of the subsidy conditions.

Advice and support

The SVM allows SME entrepreneurs to receive compensation for hiring an energy advisor for tailor-made energy advice as well as assistance in implementing the advice. The available budget is €14.4 million. The investments in the sustainability measures themselves are not covered by the SVM. For this, other subsidies may be of interest, such as the Investment subsidy for sustainable energy and energy saving (ISDE) and Energy Investment Allowance (EIA).

Source: Duurzaam Ondernemen