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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Output prices in double figures

21 December 2021

Output prices in the Dutch food industry rose by 10.8 percent in October this year compared with October last year. Output prices were still stable in January. Now that prices in the Netherlands are hitting record levels...

MES implementation, how to approach it?

21 December 2021

A good start is half the battle and this is certainly true for the implementation of MES. There is a lot involved in the implementation. Making the right choices in advance prevents a lot of adjustments during the proces...

Production of plant-based raw materials

20 December 2021

Chemical technology company Avantium gives the green light for the construction of a bioplastic plant in Delfzijl. The construction is made possible by a consortium of Dutch banks, including ING, InvestNL and regional in...

Route plan for climate-neutral meat production

20 December 2021

The Central Organisation for the Meat Sector (COV) wants to join other European organisations in contributing to further sustainability in meat and meat products production. This was demonstrated during a roundtable with...

China to levy higher tariffs on pork imports in 2022

20 December 2021

China will raise import tariffs on most pork products in 2022, said the finance ministry, after the world's top producer rapidly expanded domestic production and reduced its needs for imports. Tariffs for most favoure...

Action needed to make fresh produce production sustainable

20 December 2021

Government and the business community are working towards making the production of potatoes, vegetables and fruit (AGF) more sustainable. Progress is being made here, but things are not going quickly enough to achieve a ...

Protein transition: a promising export market

20 December 2021

The protein transition aims to achieve a better balance in the consumption of animal and alternative proteins. A new report examines the ecosystem and the need for Dutch companies to do international business in this sec...

Automated insect breeding

17 December 2021

The Insect Experience Centre plans to use the fund to realize an automated costeffective insect breeding system. The funding is raised via the Shared Facility Finder with a subsidy from the Regio Deal Foodvalley. “This b...

Number of residues on fruit and vegetables increases

16 December 2021

The Pesticide Action Network Netherlands (PAN NL) observes that Dutch fruit and vegetables contain more and more pesticides. This is evident from an analysis of NVWA measurement data on pesticide residues of the past 7 y...

Opportunities for brewer’s spent grain as a food ingredient

16 December 2021

It is estimated that about 39 million tons of brewer’s spent grain (BSG) is produced annually worldwide and sold for animal feed. In the Netherlands the total production of this side stream is 0.5 million tons annually. ...

Much ignorance about abuses in production chains

14 December 2021

64% of Dutch people think that it is forbidden to sell products made outside Europe with abuses for people and the environment. This is wrong, because there is no legislation (yet) that forbids this. Therefore, 82% of th...

Avebe increases production of potato protein

13 December 2021

Royal Avebe is investing € 66 million in its innovation and sustainability programme this year. Most of the investments are related to the capacity of Solanic potato protein. The expansion will significantly increase pro...

VAT rate at zero for fruit and vegetables?

13 December 2021

After years of deadlock, the European Ministers of Finance have agreed to offer Member States the option of setting the VAT rate at 0%. According to current European legislation, the minimum VAT rate that can be applied ...

Salt content in bread stabilises

13 December 2021

For the third year in a row, the weighted average is 1.62% salt on the dry matter. This is apparent from the 2021 edition of the Dutch Bakery Association (NVB) Salt Monitoring. The sector therefore easily satisfies the l...

Meat sector wants to start with CO2 footprint soon

09 December 2021

The Dutch meat sector wants to start labelling the CO2 footprint of meat soon, so consumers can make a choice for meat or alternatives based on objective criteria.  In a round table meeting with EU Commissioner F...