CBS: Economic outlook worsened again
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CBS: Economic outlook worsened again

  • 02 May 2023

The economic outlook in the Netherlands deteriorated again in April 2023, according to CBS' Business Cycle Clock. Only 7 out of 13 indicators performed better than their long-term trend. 

Consumers were slightly less pessimistic, but consumer confidence was still well below the average of the past 20 years. Producer confidence was less positive in April, but still above its long-term average. 

Household consumption, exports and investment grew, but manufacturing output fell. Fewer companies and one-man businesses were declared bankrupt, but prices of houses for sale fell and there were about the same number of unemployed and fewer job vacancies. 

In the fourth quarter of 2022, GDP grew by 0.6 per cent compared to the third quarter, with household consumption and government consumption making the biggest contribution.

Source: CBS