Dutch opt for healthier beverages en masse
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Dutch opt for healthier beverages en masse

  • 14 September 2023

The Netherlands appears to be shifting towards healthier beverage choices. According to recent research, there's a widespread preference for water and zero-calorie drinks. The sugar content in top-brand sodas and waters has decreased by a third since 2012. With this, the industry has fulfilled its promise from the National Prevention Agreement three years ahead of its deadline.

This positive news is evident on store shelves. The Beverage Study reveals that nearly half of the light/zero soda drinkers notice an increase in the range of light/zero drinks in supermarkets. Taco Juriaanse, director of FWS, emphasizes the industry's efforts: "We are proud of this achievement and demonstrate that we take our responsibility seriously."

Despite these achievements, a significant tax increase on sugary drinks is being considered from January 1, 2024. Juriaanse stresses that the industry is already working diligently to reduce sugar content and advocates for a differentiated and reasonable tax.

The latest Beverage Study, conducted by Ruigrok, underscores that if a sugar tax is implemented, it should extend beyond just sodas. Many consumers believe that other sugary products, like candies and cookies, should also be included.

Lastly, the study indicates that the preference for healthier drink alternatives is on the rise. 4 out of 10 soda drinkers are consuming fewer regular sodas than last year.

Curious about more details? View the complete report, ‘The National Beverage Study 2023’ (Dutch only).


Source: FWS