Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Nijsen and Insect Engineers join Insect Valley Europe

Nijsen and Insect Engineers, leading players in insect farming and protein transition, have joined Insect Valley Europe (IVE). This initiative, supported by Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo, the Province of Limburg, an..

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‘FACT opens its doors’

12 October 2018

In cooperation with Provinsje Fryslân, the business sector and Nordwin College, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences has invested €4 million to realise a Food Application Centre for Technology (FACT) at its...

Luiten Vleeswaren takes a new direction

09 October 2018

The recently published Vega monitor of the environmental organisation Natuur & Milieu (Nature & Environment) shows that more and more people in the Netherlands become flexitarians. Luiten Vleeswaren responds to t...

Beckers Veggie: 100% vegetarian snacks

01 October 2018

Beckers has developed a whole line of vegetarian oven snacks. From 1 October 2018 onwards, the products will be placed in the freezer compartment under the name Beckers Veggie at Albert Heijn and Jumbo. After months of d...

‘Don’t miss out’

11 September 2018

The agri-food sector is developing rapidly. The investments in Research & Development in the sector are the highest in the Netherlands in Europe. A source of inspiration for innovation is the consumer’s demand for ea...

Innovation in the veal sector

11 September 2018

The VanDrie Group is extensively innovating in the veal sector: in regards to animal health and animal welfare, in improving food safety and production processes and in putting new concepts and brands on the markets. We ...

Preventing bacteria on meat!

11 September 2018

Theo Legters, Manager Operations at T. Boer en Zn. is a veteran in the meat industry and has a clear view on hygiene. His motto: “Don’t combat symptoms, but combat the problem at the source”.   Theo Legters likes to g...

From cowhide to industrial egg

11 September 2018

The empty landscape won’t have you suspect that here, between the potato fields of North-East Groningen, there’s a modest factory where innovation, sustainability and efficiency meet in an ‘industrial protein’. ...

‘Digital techniques play an increasingly larger part’

11 September 2018

Interview with Joost Blankestijn Digitally controlled food production enables innovations that were, until recently, unheard of: personalised food, vegetable protein with the bite of meat and new shapes, tastes and st...

KU Leuven maakt wereldprimeur met geprinte sla

09 July 2018


Innoveren met het Digital Food Processing Initiative

12 June 2018

Gepersonaliseerd voedsel, plantaardige eiwitten met de bite van vlees of produceren on demand. Digitaal aangestuurde voedselproductie maakt innovaties mogelijk die tot voor kort ondenkbaar waren. Ondernemers kunnen vanaf...

Vegetable steak

12 June 2018

Since 11 June, the vegetable steak from Vivera, which only uses plant-based ingredients such as wheat and soy, is available from most Dutch retailers, and from Carrefour in Belgium. Tesco was the first supermarket chain ...

Riskplaza innovates

12 June 2018

Since 29 May 2018, every food processing company has the possibility to easily and quickly substantiate their food fraud analysis. Substantiation by using Food Fraud Analysis from Riskplaza. Riskplaza has been worki...

Vivera neemt plantaardige biefstuk in productie

08 May 2018

Het Nederlandse bedrijf Vivera neemt als eerste ter wereld 100% plantaardige biefstuk in productie. Vivera introduceert het product vanaf 21 mei a.s. in de Britse supermarktketen Tesco. Het bedrijf verwacht dit jaar nog ...

Progressively less centralised installation

08 May 2018

The food industry is changing with a strong tendency towards decentralisation. By placing IO modules in the field and connecting entrances and exits to the control system with prefabricated cables, shorter installation t...

Consistent decentralised installation

09 April 2018

The food industry is changing, with a strong tendency towards decentralisation. By placing IO modules in the field and connecting entrances and exits with prefabricated cabling that connects them with the control system,...