These are the food heroes of 2020
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These are the food heroes of 2020

  • 02 September 2020

On Monday, August 31, 2020, in a special Studio Food100 broadcast on YouTube, the food heroes of 2020 were announced: 6 change-makers chosen from the Food100, a list of 100 progressive and promising food change-makers because of their outstanding achievements over the past year. They could join live with table host Hans van Steenbergen, who also talked with Roel Schutten of AgriFood Capital and Food100 partners Martijn Rol van de Rabobank and Freija Vermeer of Stichting DOEN about the impact of Covid-19 on the food sector and the beautiful new initiatives that have arisen thanks to the changed circumstances.

Judge Nadia Zerouali about the Food100

"The Food100 in times of COVID-19 relevant? Absolutely! It is precisely in this corona crisis that we see relevance to provide a platform for recognition and appreciation to people who are committed to a better food system. During the judging process, apart from the standard criteria, we paid attention to '(social) entrepreneurship' and 'leadership'. We see in the list and in our food heroes a nice combination of doers and thinkers who are active both behind and in front of the scenes to make a difference. In the future we will continue to focus on a diverse and inclusive Food100. On behalf of the entire jury I can say that we are proud of everyone within the Food100!

Food heroes category 'up to 30 years

Arjuna Huis in 't Veld, The Milk Brewery; Together with her husband Arjuna shows how beautiful and praising nature-inclusive farming can be.
Malou van der Burgt, EVENT Hotels; Malou has achieved measurable results in combating food waste.
Wilma Oosthoek, Stichting Student & Leefstijl; With Foundation Student & Lifestyle essential attention is generated to food as a medicine within health care.

Food heroes category '30 years and older

Joris Bijdendijk, RIJKS and Wils; Joris has inspired many during corona with his take-away initiative, co-organized the leisure soup, as well as the largest Heri Heri dinner in cooperation with Kip Republic.
Wilbert van der Kamp, Wilpret and Lokaal Kilo's Schuiven; During the corona crisis Wilco initiated several initiatives such as the Grokaalbox, the Food Box and helped farmers to market their surplus.
Samuel Levie, Food Cabinet and Support Your Locals; Levie gathers the right people around him to set up impactful initiatives such as 'Support Your Locals' in no time.

Source: Food100