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Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Multifunctional use of HIMS by Westfort Group

13 May 2024

In the food industry, maintaining hygiene quality is only achievable through daily monitoring of cleaning operations. Eco2Clean has developed the software tool HIMS to manage the complexities of cleaning. Intensive discu...

Practical guide: Listeria protocol

08 April 2024

Many companies in the food industry have successfully addressed their Listeria issue with assistance from SimpelDesinfecteren. This company has been successfully supplying the Nocotech disinfection system to the food ind...

To renovate is to innovate: Henri van de Bilt renews

08 April 2024

The desire was to professionalize the work environment. The result is a renovated production location, now antibacterial and hygienic. A smart renovation approach has turned dreams into reality for the meat processing co...

Food Tech Event 2024 with 21 OSV Members

08 April 2024

You might have noticed: at the Food Tech Event in the Brabanthallen, ’s-Hertogenbosch, we are present alongside 21 OSV members, occupying a quarter of the exhibition floor. We are quite pleased with this accomplishment. ...

Biofilms in the food industry: the role of key bacteria

13 December 2023

Biofilms, resilient slime layers on stainless steel surfaces, pose a persistent challenge in the food industry. A recent study, funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship, sheds new light on the intricate interactio...

Sustainable Floor Solutions at JIMMY's with DR Flexjoint

28 November 2023

How reassuring it is to rely on a durable, elastic transition between different floor sections. A permanent joint that you can effortlessly drive over, resistant to molds and bacteria, and even adheres to a concrete floo...

Sea Fresh Retail: More certainty, less disinfectant

27 November 2023

Those who supply to retail must have their business in excellent order: sustainability certifications, the ability to deliver quickly, and perfect hygiene. Sea Fresh Retail meets all these criteria with flying colours. ...

Steam Boiler Maintenance: Key to Longevity

23 November 2023

Understanding the origin of a steam boiler can be crucial in the long term. Initially, it's vital to recognize how maintenance significantly affects a steam boiler's lifespan. Various types of preventive maintenance can ...

Online edition November 2023 | Hygiene, Cleaning & Disinfection

20 November 2023

The November issue of Vakblad Voedingsindustrie delves into key areas of the food industry, highlighting food safety, sustainability, and innovation. The edition underscores the significant role technol...

Hygiene Management Optimization at Vion

20 November 2023

"The cleaning of our production sites, slaughterhouses, cutting plants, and retail locations is an extension of production," says Hugo Pol, Group QA Manager at Vion. "Its execution significantly impacts the quality of ou...

10 Years Simpel Desinfecteren: a Success Story

20 November 2023

Two enthusiastic men, a hefty dose of perseverance, and above all a solid concept are the main ingredients of Simpel Desinfecteren. How do the owners look back on ten years of entrepreneurship? Ask Robert Kostrubiec (...

Column Judith Witte: Hygiene Protocols in Food Industry

20 November 2023

At our house, the atmosphere is buzzing with the spirit of a 'spring cleaning'. The low-lying autumn sun mercilessly reveals the Saharan sand on the windows - it's high time to clean it off. Climbing to the attic to fetc...

HVO Meat & LETS - Growth & Innovation

20 November 2023

Every business is unique. This calls for tailor-made cleaning solutions, fitting the size, level of contamination, and frequency of cleaning within that business. LETS, drawing from theory and practical experience, provi...

FRP insulation panels: No Chance for Bacteria

20 November 2023

According to Niels Burger, owner of Sentho, the connection between the wall and the floor is a critical point during renovations. As a specialist in hygienic construction projects, Sentho was responsible for a new wall a...

Column Pieter Vos: Still Thriving

20 November 2023

A mountaineer discussed his sport and the often extreme conditions he faces while climbing the world's highest peaks in an interview. He talked about the significant risk of not surviving a descent. He said, "I didn't le...