Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Hillco has confidence in Lets: clean is clean

22 June 2023

When you move into a new building, like Hillco Poeliersbedrijf, you want to be able to rely on an efficient, high-quality cleaning system. Good hygiene is essential for producing and delivering high-quality chicken produ...

Jackit: Your answer to renovation and new construction

19 June 2023

Sooner or later the production floor needs maintenance or refurbishment. It's never really convenient. Renovation and construction specialist Jackit works as flexibly as possible to keep business processes flowing. "S...

Urker Zalmhuys uses a workable hygienic floor

19 June 2023

On Urk, the fish trade is never far away. The Urker Zalmhuys, once started as a small smokehouse, will soon open a fourth location there. From this location, the smoked salmon will be distributed. What kind of conditions...

Maintenance for Nocotech disinfection machines

19 June 2023

Although the Nocotech disinfection machines hardly need any maintenance, it is advisable to have a few things checked annually and replaced if necessary. One example is the replacement of a pump tube. This prevents malfu...

Want to be sure of low infection levels?

19 June 2023

If a production area is just new, the risk of infection will be low. The biofilm in which microorganisms feel comfortable has not yet been built up. But that can happen quickly. Especially once production gets going. Moi...

Gröninger hands over cleaning equipment to Kärcher

13 June 2023

Gröninger Cleaning Systems B.V. en Kärcher Nederland hebben overeenstemming bereikt over de overdracht van de B2B-activiteiten in reinigingsapparatuur. Vanaf 1 juli 2023 zullen deze activiteiten, gericht op de regio Groo...

'Learn to recognise the critical points in your factory!'

30 May 2023

Roelina Dijk is author of the textbook 'Safe food - microbiological principles, chemical and physical factors', whose fourth updated edition was published recently. Sharing knowledge is her passion: "Giving theory a prac...

Online edition May 2023: Food safety

15 May 2023

There is a striking consensus when it comes to ensuring (food) safety in production areas. What is the optimal indoor climate for a production area? And how do you achieve it? In the feature story, we d...

Column Judith Witte: Plea for more openness

15 May 2023

Warning: this is going to be a gross story. On top of the already opened package of coconut cream is a green gummy skin. The package was in my very clean refrigerator, but clearly for too long. It's my own fault, a gi...

Hygiene for rent!

15 May 2023

In the food industry, hygiene is an absolute requirement. Everyone who prepares, processes and sells food must meet strict hygiene requirements. All employees, active in this environment, must wear impeccable and certifi...

Improve food safety: prevent frost and condensation

15 May 2023

While politicians and scientists tumble over each other in the search for the best solutions to the global climate problem, there is a striking consensus when it comes to the indoor climate in production areas. In partic...

Disinfection down to the cubic millimeter

15 May 2023

Far from hierarchy, a preference for fast paced operations and an entrepreneurial family mentality. This is how fish company Noordzee International has grown rapidly. Reliable disinfection is essential.  What kin...

Biological control of stubborn pathogens

15 May 2023

How can you remove stubborn environmental contaminants that - despite carrying out thorough cleaning and disinfection - are still present? Eco2Clean developed two new products for this purpose. With a cocktail of differe...

Calculating the Total Value of Hygienic Machine Design

04 May 2023

Hygienic motion design delivers savings now and in the long term. To maximise profitability, food and beverage production lines need to run 16-20 hours a day, every day. Washdown is a principal cause of motor failure....

Smart robots to make a salad

02 May 2023

Picking and packaging a bunch of grapes with a robot already requires a lot of technology. But it can get even more complicated: automatically preparing a ready-to-eat salad. Researchers from Wageningen University & ...