Multifunctional use of HIMS by Westfort Group
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Multifunc­tional use of HIMS by Westfort Group

  • 13 May 2024
  • By: Anne Bruggink - van der Steen

In the food industry, maintaining hygiene quality is only achievable through daily monitoring of cleaning operations. Eco2Clean has developed the software tool HIMS to manage the complexities of cleaning. Intensive discussions with clients and firsthand experiences have resulted in user-friendly software, the HIMS app, and a straightforward, comprehensive reporting tool.

Richard Evertsen, Facility Manager at Westfort Meat Products in IJsselstein, is a very intensive user of HIMS. Together with Gert Visscher, director of Eco2Clean, he examines the use of the tool within the Westfort Group. "The greatest benefit of HIMS is the significantly improved communication between cleaning, production, and quality service," Richard explains. "Responses and actions are much quicker than before its implementation. Additionally, monitoring and improving on pending and improvement points has become much faster and easier."

Unlike other software packages, HIMS stands out because it is not designed solely for the production company or the cleaning company. Both parties use it with the goal of optimizing and securing hygiene. If the cleaning company experiences any issues from production, it is reported in HIMS, making this tool a valuable addition to daily processes. It is widely implemented and used by management, team leaders, line managers, QESH, and the cleaning company within Westfort.
"This method requires openness from both the production and the cleaning company," Gert states. "One cannot function without the other."


Richard explains that they first added the basic cleaning instructions for the entire production, detailed by object, and as a general reference in HIMS. "With this information, we generate lists from HIMS for Pre-SSOP rounds. These are the inspection rounds of cleaning before production starts. Each department has its own list, detailing the entire scope. This includes periodic cleaning schedules, AGAR planning, ATP planning, and residue control planning. Internal safety checks, such as the inspection of eye and chemical showers, and other internal controls requiring additional focus, are also included in this list."

Multifunctional application

"Whenever new issues arise that we want to track, I consider how to integrate them into HIMS," Richard shares. For instance, he mentions the inspection of foam carts. "I created a list so that there is a nightly check on the operation of the foam carts. Pest control is also included in HIMS. Potential action points are made visible with photos, and monitoring the resolution of these points through the tool has proven very effective. I also use HIMS for scheduling truck cleaning (by license plate) and monitoring machine maintenance. Technical issues are reported in HIMS, and these reports are then entered into Ultimo (the software application used by the Technical Service). As soon as the work in Ultimo is reported complete, I also mark it complete in HIMS, ensuring everything is accounted for. If I encounter any issues with such an idea, I receive full support and guidance to find a solution from both the regional manager and the ICT department at Eco2Clean."

Ongoing development

"We continue to develop," Gert explains. "Customer input is crucial. We constantly make improvements to the software. With the use of HIMS across multiple locations of a company, for example, a link can now be made so one can view the lists from all these locations at once. Additionally, it is now possible to attach documents (attachments) such as cleaning instructions at the object level, and priorities can be assigned to reports. A 'strict filter' has been added, allowing each user to be assigned their own authorization, determining who can see which report. By popular demand, the HIMS app is now available in Dutch, English, French, and Polish."

Information resource during audits

"HIMS proves to be a helpful tool during an audit," says Richard. "It allows us to address certain issues very quickly and clearly. An auditor's request for all information can thus be very well met. Reports, including photos, are processed in HIMS; and feedback is given when the reported problem is resolved, with a counter-photo as proof. This allows us to address issues more promptly. When improvements are needed, they are immediately clear to all involved parties. Immediate action can be taken. HIMS enhances the learning capacity of our organization, which can be steered both internally and externally."

Source: Vakblad Voedingsindustrie 2024