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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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100% recyclable plastic packaging

05 March 2018

In order to encourage a change in the worldwide stream of plastic packaging materials, Unilever has set the goal to ensure that all their plastic packaging is fully reusable, recyclable, or compostable by 2025. They are ...

Monitor food safety, even for sustainable packaging

05 March 2018

Organic chicken fillets packaged in plastic film: that does not seem like a sustainable combination. Plastic has a bad reputation when it concerns the environment, especially when the plastic soup poses a significant thr...

Food waste and transparency are influencing the packaging industry

05 March 2018

Bioplastics, storytelling, and the reduction of food waste are the terms that arise when experts from the packaging industry discuss current developments and innovations in their sector.  It is clear that there i...

Roland ten Klooster: Becoming more sustainable by taking small steps

05 March 2018

Roland ten Klooster is a packaging consultant and professor by special appointment of Packaging Design and Management. When he was studying industrial design in the 1980s, food packaging design in the Netherlands was a s...

De hei op met je sustainable development goals

06 February 2018

Verduurzaming heeft allang wortel geschoten in de foodsector. De redenen waarom bedrijven zich inzetten voor dierenwelzijn, suikerreductie of een eerlijke prijs voor de cacaoboer verschillen echter sterk. Dit varieert va...

PPS Food value impact

09 January 2018

Hoe kiezen consumenten het voedsel dat ze kopen en eten? En hoe kunnen bedrijven consumenten helpen om gezondere en duurzamere keuzes te maken en tegelijkertijd meerwaarde en maatschappelijke impact creëren voor hun bedr...

Één kwaliteitsmaatstaf voor Nederlandse varkenssector

09 January 2018

De POV en COV komen in het kader van de uitvoering van het Actieplan Vitalisering Varkenshouderij met één kwaliteitsmaatstaf voor de Nederlandse varkenssector, genaamd Normenkader Holland Varken. Hiermee kan de sector af...

Garnalensector krijgt MSC-keurmerk voor visserij

11 December 2017

Op dinsdag 12 december kreeg de Duitse, Deense en Nederlandse garnalensector het MSC-keurmerk uitgereikt. Dit gebeurde tijdens de Landbouw- en Visserijraad in Brussel in aanwezigheid van Camiel Derichs, Europees Directeu...

Packaging innovation: fully compostable

11 December 2017

Since week 49 ProMessa packs meat in a compostable packaging. This packaging is based on renewable vegetable raw materials. The packaging looks no different than traditional packaging, but everything that comes with t...

The protein shift: will Europeans change their diet?

11 December 2017

25% of the Europeans expect to eat less meat. Still, the willingness to change is clearly present among some consumers. One out of four European respondents expects to eat less meat in five years time, mainly due to asso...

COV Meat café: Een gedachtewisseling

11 December 2017

Donderdag 7 december 2017 organiseerde COV (Centrale Organisatie voor de Vleessector) de eerste editie van het ‘COV Meat Café. Zet enkele wetenschappers, diverse stakeholders  en afgevaardigden van NGO’s bij elkaar ...

Biodegradable meat packaging

10 October 2017

From mid-October, all the organic meat in the Coop supermarkets in the Netherlands will be packaged in a material that can be disposed of as garden waste. Wim van den Burg, Category Manager Fresh at Coop: “In collaborati...

More sustainable protein production

11 September 2017

Proteins obtained from potatoes, blood plasma and peas retain their functionality even in a less pure form. In fact, sometimes that can even improve the functionality. These are the conclusions of researchers from Wageni...

Verduurzaming varkenssector

11 September 2017

De Producentenorganisatie Varkenshouderij (POV) wil dat het kabinet de varkenshouders de ruimte geeft om de duurzame ambities waar te maken. De verduurzaming in de varkenssector moet het kabinet niet via wet- en regelgev...

Key task: ensuring that the right agriculture is in the right place

11 September 2017

Earlier this year Prof. Dr. Ir. Rudy Rabbinge won the Rachel Carson prize, which is awarded once every five years by VVM, a Dutch network of environmental professionals. From 2001 to 2011, Rudy Rabbinge was a professor a...