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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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Effect of halving meat consumption

22 January 2019

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) has finally decided to post the real climate gain associated with halving the consumption of meat, dairy and eggs on its website. Halving the consumption of animal pr...

Jan Zandbergen supplier Moving Mountains

22 January 2019

Jan Zandbergen will be the exclusive supplier of the vegetable burger of Moving Mountains Foods in Europe (with the exception of the United Kingdom). Vegetable proteins are becoming increasingly popular. This is the firs...

Partners National Meat Free Week announced

22 January 2019

Early January it was announced that from 11-17 March the second edition of the National Meat Free Week will take place in the Netherlands. Today, all 69 partners of the campaign are officially revealed, including all maj...

Steps towards a waste free future

16 January 2019

On 15 January, Nestlé announced how it intends to achieve a waste-free future. The company is committed to the target of 100% of its packaging being recyclable or reusable by 2025. Nestlé CEO Mark Schneider said: "Our...

Global Animal Protein Outlook 2019

31 December 2019

Growth in global animal protein continues, but it is slowing. Uncertainty is a key theme for 2019. Uncertainty created by African swine fever, in trade, and with feed prices all contribute to the slowdown in production. ...

Future slaughterhouse Sus Campiniae

19 December 2018

Belgian pig farming will suffer when Flemish Minister of Environment, Nature and Agriculture Joke Schauvliege (CD&V) refuses to grant a new permit to nv De Lokery, which operates the Sus Campiniae slaughterhouse in Oevel...

First 'Dutch bananas' harvested

18 December 2018

Researchers at Wageningen University & Research are harvesting the first 'Nederbananen' ('Dutch Bananas') this week. Boerenhart will offer the bananas as a 'regional product' to restaurants and hospitals in the regio...

Tetra Pak and Veolia partner up

20 November 2018

Tetra Pak has joined forces with global resource management company Veolia in a game-changing partnership that will enable all components of used beverage cartons collected within the European Union to be recycled by 202...

The real cost of our food

13 November 2018

Maar liefst 9 op de 10 Nederlanders denken in de komende vijf jaar meer te moeten betalen voor boodschappen om het milieu te sparen. Toch is slechts 37 procent hiervan een overtuigd voorstander. Ruim een kwart is niet be...

Unilever and Veolia collaborate

24 October 2018

Een driejarig partnerschap tussen Unilever en Veolia zal de infrastructuur voor afvalinzameling en recycling verbeteren om een cirkelvormige economie voor kunststofafval te helpen creëren. Unilever en Veolia hebben op...

Cargill launches the Waxy Corn Promise™

24 October 2018

De Waxy Corn Promise is een landbouwprogramma dat de duurzaamheid van voedselzetmeel in heel Europa verhoogt en ondersteunt boeren om hun praktijken voortdurend te verbeteren en hun impact op het milieu in maïsteeltgebie...

Statement Bord Bia on report Wakker Dier

16 October 2018

Animal welfare is one of the four key elements of the Irish quality system SBLAS for beef and lamb, alongside food safety, environmental protection and traceability. "Wakker Dier's suggestion that animal welfare is not i...

Luiten Vleeswaren takes a new direction

09 October 2018

The recently published Vega monitor of the environmental organisation Natuur & Milieu (Nature & Environment) shows that more and more people in the Netherlands become flexitarians. Luiten Vleeswaren responds to t...

Zweistra Vlees & Vleeswaren wants operational security

09 October 2018

Zweistra Vlees & Vleeswaren produces meat products with traditional craftsmanship. It is common knowledge that the processing of fresh meat products is susceptible to contamination. At Zweistra Vlees & Vleeswaren...

Greenhill guarantees high quality

11 September 2018

Schoonderwoerd Vlees from Bilthoven has added a new and unique brand to their assortment of meat. The family business imports mainly beef and lamb from New-Zealand and Australia. The brothers Nimrod and Nigel Schoonde...