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Construction: Important considerations for food entrepreneurs

You want to expand or renovate. So, you decide to build! Once you’ve made that decision, questions start arising. What materials will you choose? Are they sustainable? How does this choice affect fire safety? What about ..

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A sustainable relationship

07 February 2017

In the Netherlands, ‘doing business sustainably’ is usually synonymous with ‘corporate social responsibility (CSR)’ which has nowadays become the essential standard for businesses in 2017. MVO Nederland, the Dutch CSR...

Ten million kilos of tomatoes thanks to geothermal heat

07 February 2017

The company Duijvestijn Tomaten in Pijnacker does business as sustainably as possible, such as by using geothermal energy to heat its greenhouses. Director Ted Duijvestijn explains how this innovation came about. “Ene...

Sustainability in agri-food

07 February 2017

Today, society takes a more critical view of food manufacturing companies than ever before. Most election manifestos not only underline the importance of a food policy, but also believe that the policy should be closely ...

'Better product composition has an effect for everyone’

07 February 2017

Jantine Schuit is head of the Centre for Nutrition, Prevention and Health Services of the Netherlands’ National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and a professor of health promotion and policy at VU ...

‘Food industry must support farmers’

07 February 2017

With forecast sales growth of 7% per year, the future for organic food in the Netherlands looks rosy. However, this growth depends on more farmers making the transition to organic production, and that cannot be taken for...

Biodegradable plastic by 2025

07 February 2017

Unilever has announced its intention for all its plastic packaging to be completely reusable, recyclable or compostable by around 2025. In doing so, the food manufacturing giant calls for the entire, rapidly growing sect...

Ambitious targets

07 February 2017

Lamb Weston/Meijer, a leading manufacturer of high-quality potato products, is well on the way to achieving its sustainability targets for 2020. Compared to the benchmark year of 2008, the company uses 21 percent less en...

Efficiency gains thanks to new building

07 February 2017

The company called Aan de Stegge Twello has reached an agreement relating to the new-build project for Hems/Fortuna in Oss. Hems BV and its subsidiary Fortuna BV are specialised in the supply of a wide range of meat prod...

A journey through the chain

07 February 2017

According to the Dutch private sector and the government, it is time to take important steps forward in improving the transparency of our food chain in order to safeguard the Netherlands’ future as an agri-food nation.&n...

‘Healthy food is the key trend'

14 November 2016

Adjiedj Bakas (1963) is one of the Netherlands’s leading trendwatchers. He studied communication science at Utrecht University and worked as an advisor to KLM and NOS. He then embarked on a new path, evolved into a trend...

Natuurlijke producten

13 September 2016

Smoky Light, exclusief dealer van Red Arrow Products, richt zich steeds meer op natuurlijke producten. De Natuurlijk Gerookte Ingrediënten zijn gerookt met rook die afkomstig is van verschillende soorten hardhout of mesq...

Duurzame oplossing voor koelwater

13 September 2016

In de industrie worden er per jaar miljoenen kubieke liters koelwater verbruikt om processen te koelen. In de voedingsmiddelenindustrie wordt water verdampt in koeltorens of verdampingscondensors. Het verdampen van koelw...


13 September 2016

Many companies still keep their HACCP records on paper. However, paperwork takes up a lot of time, does not provide an overview of the current situation and makes it harder to analyse the information. As a result, it ...

Source of protein with potential

13 September 2016

A few people have tried it, most people have heard about it, everyone has an opinion on it and the majority of Dutch consumers shudder at the thought. Why should you eat insects? Because they are a sustainable source of ...

Insects for human consumption

13 September 2016

Back in 2011, in the Dutch province of Flevoland, the first steps were taken towards the exploitation of a new sector. The city of Lelystad is home to an insect farm where insects have been reared for human consumption s...