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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Food industry turnover rises in fourth quarter 2022

24 November 2022

17.6 per cent of food industry entrepreneurs expected sales to grow in the current fourth quarter in early October 2022. This is mainly due to higher prices: 67 per cent expect prices to continue to rise in the fourth qu...

Zalmhuys Group acquires operations H. van Wijnen

24 November 2022

The Zalmhuys Group in Urk has taken over the operations of H. van Wijnen. Van Wijnen is the oldest salmon company in the Netherlands. In mid-October, salmon smoker H. van Wijnen b.v. was declared bankrupt. The high pu...

New opportunities for returned bread

23 November 2022

On 1 January 2023, the cabinet will unilaterally introduce a €30 million burden increase for the agricultural sector. On that day, the contribution that farmers, gardeners, growers, fishermen, processors and importers an...

Sustainability industry strained by grid congestion

23 November 2022

New connections to the high-voltage grid are virtually impossible in a large part of the Netherlands. Grid operator TenneT reported 17 November 2022 that there is "grid congestion". The Netherlands is accelerating its en...

Zuneha cuts costs with heat recovery system

22 November 2022

Zuneha supplies fresh meat to the butchery industry. Recently, the medium-sized company invested in a new CO2 refrigeration system with heat recovery. The heat from the chillers is used to heat the water; thus, substanti...

NVWA tariffs 2023: business costs up by 30 million

22 November 2022

On 1 January 2023, the cabinet will unilaterally introduce a €30 million burden increase for the agricultural sector. On that day, the contribution that farmers, gardeners, growers, fishermen, processors and importers an...

Sanitisation with microwaves and radio frequency

22 November 2022

SAIREM, specialist in industrial solutions with microwaves and radio frequency, will present its decontamination technologies at Food Ingredients Europe, from 6 to 8 December 2022. Decontamination with these systems e...

Column Judith Witte: Clean enough

21 November 2022

My definition of 'clean' is quite different from the one usually used by my homeliving offspring (16, 18, 20). Our living situation is no exception. Since the introduction of the social loan system (2015), far fewer stud...

'The drive for improvement is there'

21 November 2022

The Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) oversees - among other things - the production of safe food. Recent outbreaks and major changes in detection techniques are prompting more attention to machine ...

Machine design, a source of contamination?

21 November 2022

Before use, a machine in the food industry must obviously be clean. Cleaning is therefore part of the general management measures within the HACCP plan. Nevertheless, things occasionally go wrong. There are several reaso...

Loyal partner in food safety

21 November 2022

Food safety remains of great importance to all of us. Nutrilab acts as a loyal partner in ensuring and monitoring food safety. We continue to offer all the facilities you have come to expect from us. We think along with ...

New contamination issues with plant-based

21 November 2022

The demand for more sustainable food production is rising, consumers are more often choosing plant-based alternatives and the food industry is eagerly jumping on this. However, their production involves other forms of po...

Column Pieter Vos: Stay sharp

21 November 2022

Cleaning and disinfection is about risk management: guaranteeing hygiene contributes to the safe marketing of your food products, so you don't have to worry about recalls. To ensure this, you have set up procedures and r...

Heat recovery for cleaning processes

21 November 2022

The basic principle of any refrigeration plant is to extract heat from products, among other things, and discharge it to a place where it does not cause a nuisance. The usual starting point is to release this heat to the...

Strong example of Simpeldesinfecteren: 'You know it works'

21 November 2022

If you have been promising your customers for 20 years that you make the tastiest sandwiches, you have great confidence in the safety and hygiene of the production process. Yet there is always room for improvement by lea...