Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Antibacterial and antiviral through and through

21 November 2022

No coating, but antibacterial and antiviral through and through: this is what Jackit has been successfully installing with Sealwise recycled panels in renovations for the food processing industry for over two years. The ...

Dedicated to food: when cleaning runs through your veins

21 November 2022

Cleaning food companies with 70 people every day, washing 500,000 crates and 12,000 pieces of company clothing every week, taking over extra tasks from your customers with a smile, continuing to optimise your business an...

Food-safe lubrication of machines and components

21 November 2022

Like in any other industry, lubricants are used in the food industry. Unlike in any other industry, an essential question comes into play here: are they food-safe? As a food manufacturer, you are personally responsibl...

Every company needs a unique cleaning plan

21 November 2022

Cleaning in the food industry is not done the same way everywhere. In fact, most companies work with a completely individual and unique cleaning plan. "The role of the cleaner has changed: from generalist to specialist, ...

Start with the basics: Don't give bacteria a chance

21 November 2022

Bacteria are everywhere but often unwanted. Especially in environments such as laboratories and food plants, they should not be given a chance. So how can you prevent bacterial growth? With high-quality antibacterial wal...

Marlous van Drunen: Focus on quantity or quality?

21 November 2022

As an employee in a food company, you know best how to work hygienically. HACCP, cleaning and disinfection and records have no secrets for you. But tell me honestly: does the following thought ever cross your mind? "Oh...

Vakona mixers and tumblers

21 November 2022

Vakona specialises in the development and production of machinery for the food industry. The main focus of this Sismatec partner is on tumbling, mixing and massaging; both with and without vacuum. The Vakona ESK tumblers...

Cold plasma: Interesting for the food industry?

21 November 2022

Current chemical and thermal processes used to ensure the hygiene and safety of products have their disadvantages. Cold plasma can be a mild alternative in controlling micro-organisms, microbial spores and viruses. What ...

Column Saskia Stender: Panic measures

21 November 2022

With everything that is going on in the market right now, the key focus of almost all companies is to cut costs. Energy prices are skyrocketing, everything is more expensive. Labour costs will rise 10% next year. And we ...

Nieuwe versie NVWA informatieblad 64

18 November 2022

Informatieblad 64 en Informatieblad 65 zijn door de Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) samengevoegd tot een nieuw informatieblad. Het nieuwe informatieblad 64 is een handreiking dat een aantal controlemogelij...

ING: High energy prices new test for food producers

17 November 2022

Are food producers able to absorb the high input costs, including energy, now that they remain high for the time being? In addition, companies also have to deal with large differences in compensation measures from nation...

WUR: Diversity between various groups of eaters

17 November 2022

Two recently published studies from Wageningen University & Research compared consumers with various eating patterns. The studies focussed specifically on meat eaters, flexitarians and vegetarians, and on the diversi...

How to protect your company's manufacturing network

17 November 2022

We hear more and more about cyber attacks on the networks of manufacturing companies and government agencies. These digital attacks pose a serious risk. Because a successful attack can shut down all business processes. M...

Changing food industry calls for innovation

15 November 2022

The food industry is changing. The past few years have shown that. The varied supply of food, a labour shortage and an increased focus on sustainability therefore require innovation within the food processing process. Fo...

GEA launches Smart Sealing System

15 November 2022

The renowned GEA SmartPacker CX and SX400 vertical packaging machines, can now be equipped with the innovative "Smart Sealing System". This system uses coated sealing strips instead of Teflon tape, giving it a significan...