Handel in groenten en fruit 2023: Tegenslagen en triomfen
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Trade in Vegetables and Fruits 2023: Setbacks and Triumphs

  • 15 January 2024

Energy prices and unpredictable weather had a significant impact on the trade in vegetables and fruits in 2023, particularly affecting the production of greenhouse vegetables such as tomatoes. These challenges resulted in a lower volume production but, simultaneously, in an increase in revenue.

The year kicked off with a sluggish start for Dutch greenhouse vegetable production, especially for tomatoes, due to soaring energy prices. Growers faced delays, and the fluctuating weather throughout the year influenced open-field vegetable production. Despite these obstacles, the total growers' revenue for vegetables and fruits in the Netherlands increased by 9 percent to €4.2 billion in 2023. Spain also experienced production issues due to extreme weather conditions.

More Imports, Especially Tropical Fruits

In 2023, Dutch trading companies imported €10.6 billion worth of vegetables and fruits, marking a 6 percent increase from 2022. Primarily, tropical fruits such as avocado, banana, and grape dominated the imports. Noteworthy growth figures were recorded for countries like Egypt (+63%), Colombia (+17%), and South Africa (+12%). Egypt and South Africa primarily supplied more oranges, while Colombia saw an uptick in avocado imports.

Foreign Market Expansion, Especially to Neighboring Countries

Despite a 2 percent decline in weight, the export value of vegetables and fruits to foreign markets increased by 10 percent to €14.9 billion. Germany, Belgium, and the United Kingdom remained the primary export markets, accounting for 51 percent of the total foreign exports. The past season witnessed remarkable growth in exports to Poland (+23%), Spain (+18%), and the United Kingdom (+11%), primarily driven by onions, avocados, peppers, and strawberries.

Top 3 Best-Selling Products Abroad: Tomato, Avocado, and Onion

The three most popular products abroad in 2023 were tomato, avocado, and onion. Dutch onions were particularly in demand, despite a lower harvest due to unfavorable weather conditions. The export of onions abroad increased by 49 percent in revenue, mainly driven by higher prices. Carrots also performed well with a 40 percent growth in exports, primarily to Germany.

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Source: Groentenfruit Huis