Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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TOP BV develops plant-based braised meat

24 February 2023

TOP BV has succeeded in developing a fully vegan version of braised meat. With some minimal modifications, the technology is also suitable for producing vegan boeuf bourguignon and rendang. "When we started this proje...

No more disposable bags for fruit and vegetables

23 February 2023

In 2023, free single-use bags for fruit and vegetables will disappear from Dutch supermarkets. Instead, customers can use reusable bags that they can wash at home. With this joint initiative, five supermarket chains expe...

France embarks on protein transition with AlinOVeg project

23 February 2023

Six French companies have announced the launch of a collaborative project: AlinOVeg "Innovating in plant-based food". For the next five years, these companies will work together on the challenges of innovation in plant-b...

Turnaround to sustainable rice

22 February 2023

With its 'SRP around the World' awareness campaign, the Sustainable Rice Platform (SRP) is drawing attention to the major impact of rice cultivation on people and the environment, and the need for a switch to more sustai...

Food industry turnover record in 2022

21 February 2023

Food industry turnover has never been higher than in 2022. Driven by a sharp rise in output prices, food industry turnover increased by almost 25% in 2022 compared to 2021. Exports grew slightly more than domestic sales ...

Cees-Jan Adema: 'Look at the whole chain'

20 February 2023

"The intrinsic motivation of the food industry to start working on sustainability is high," believes Cees-Jan Adema, director of the Federation of Dutch Food Industry (FNLI). "Also when it comes to energy saving and elec...

First steps towards European eco-label for food

20 February 2023

The Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) and Wageningen University & Research (WUR) are taking the initiative to improve transparency about the sustainability of food in retail. One of the options i...

Albert Heijn stops flying in fruit and vegetables

20 February 2023

From 1 June 2023, fruit and vegetables such as sugarsnaps, haricots verts and passion fruit will only be transported to Albert Heijn via sea container or road transport.  Albert Heijn buys fruit and vegetables as...

Master plan for protein transition as economic engine

20 February 2023

Farmers growing plant proteins on a large scale and consumers eating twice as much legumes may seem like a distant prospect, but it is feasible within six years. This is according to the five initiators of the master pla...

Sustainable disinfection with simple disinfection

16 February 2023

You have invested in making your production lines more sustainable. With Nocotech disinfection, you can complete your sustainability plan! Why? Quite simply: 1. Automated disinfection; no mistakes are made and your st...

De 3 pijlers voor een duurzame voedseltransitie

16 February 2023

De basis van onze voedselproductie staat onder druk. Wereldwijd neemt het landbouwareaal af, worden grondstoffen schaarser en heeft de klimaat-en biodiversiteitscrisis negatieve impact. Als foodondernemer ontkom je er ni...

Gemak drijft fooduitgaven naar nieuwe records

16 February 2023

Nederlanders geven steeds meer geld uit eten en drinken. De foodmarkt groeit in 2023 naar een omzet van €68,9 miljard, een stijging van 3,9%. Deze omzetstijging is niet alleen te danken aan prijsverhogingen, maar ook aan...

Sustainable food production: Challenges and frustrations

14 February 2023

The food sector is under a magnifying glass when it comes to sustainability. Not surprisingly, as the whole system of food production, packaging, distribution and consumption has a huge impact on nature. Yet we cannot do...

Dutch economy grows by 4.5 percent

14 February 2023

Gross domestic product (GDP) grew 0.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to the third quarter. GDP grew by 4.5 percent for all of 2022, according to recent CBS figures. Growth in the fourth quarter was broad-...

Fruit Logistica 2023

14 February 2023

FRUIT LOGISTICA 2023 has concluded on a successful note, with 63,470 trade visitors and buyers from over 140 countries and 2,610 exhibitors from 92 countries. The leading trade fair for the global fruit trade was more in...