Dawn Foods acquires Royal Steensma: Bakery expertise combined
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Dawn Foods acquires Royal Steensma

  • 07 February 2024

Dawn Foods, a global leader in bakery ingredients, has announced its acquisition of Royal Steensma, a leading family-owned company with a rich bakery history based in Leeuwarden.

Royal Steensma, with almost two centuries of experience, is renowned for its extensive range of bakery ingredients, including choco coatings, almond and pastry fillings, fruit fillings, and decorations, both nationally and internationally.

The acquisition includes Royal Steensma's four factories in the Netherlands, as well as a production facility in Thailand and involvement with the food innovation academy in Vlaardingen, alongside the integration of all its employees into the dawn team.

Carrie Jones-Barber, CEO of Dawn Foods, emphasizes the synergy between the two companies and predicts that the merging of expertise will result in even better service to bakers worldwide.

Owner Alfred Bruin of Royal Steensma highlights the alignment in company values and trust in Dawn Foods as a guardian of the company culture and opportunities for employees and customers.

The acquisition was finalized on january 31, 2024, marking a new phase for both companies in the dynamic world of the bakery industry.


Source: Dawn Foods