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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Packaging under the right conditions

06 March 2023

In the food industry, products are often packed in high-care areas, where air quality is essential. In addition to maintaining the required room temperature, it is important that sufficient fresh air is ventilated in the...

Saskia Stender: Why do I like my job so much?

06 March 2023

Well that's not so difficult. From the first invitation that goes out my mailbox for an OSV event to the day of the event itself, I walk around with a smile on my face. With every reminder, I receive so many nice comment...

Food producer cornered by EU deforestation-free sourcing law

02 March 2023

In the fight against deforestation, the European Union recently adopted a new regulation. This regulation raises the bar for sustainable sourcing of various raw materials and will therefore have a significant impact on m...

NIZO studies microbial risks plant-based

02 March 2023

Consumers are embracing the trend to include more plant-based foods in their diet, leading to a strong increase in the development of plant protein-based foods. New plant ingredients, however, often contain unknown types...

Will seaweed soon be an everyday product?

02 March 2023

Seaweed is not yet an everyday product for many people, but people are positively surprised when they find out, for instance, that seaweed can replace plastic packaging material or that it improves the quality and taste ...

European food systems: Sustainable with data

01 March 2023

Can data help us make European food systems more sustainable? 'Yes,' argue researchers from the Data4Food2030 project, '...provided we manage data well and build trust among all stakeholders.' There is still work to be d...

Plant protein from the Netherlands: wanted and unknown

01 March 2023

Interest in foods containing protein produced in the Netherlands has risen sharply over the past five years. However, the recognition and value of plant proteins such as legumes and nuts is low, unlike meat and dairy. Su...

Indonesia and the Netherlands want sustainable palm oil

01 March 2023

To address the environmental and social aspects of palm oil production, Indonesia (the world’s largest palm oil producer) has made big steps in improving sustainable production of palm oil. Sustainable production of palm...

Shrinkflation: consumers pay more for less

28 February 2023

Consumers are extremely annoyed by sneaky price increases. This is evident from the reports the Consumers' Association received on its helpline Honest. Of over 1,500 reports, 900 were about shrinkflation. In this case, t...

Decline in number of slaughters Belgium in 2022

27 February 2023

In 2022, 25.83 million animals were slaughtered monthly in Belgium. By weight, pigs take the largest share (60%, 877,000 pigs monthly). In numbers, chickens are in the majority, with 24.8 million chickens slaughtered per...

Monkeys by the Sea wins Agrifoodpluim

27 February 2023

The young start-up 'Monkeys by the Sea' from Roosendaal makes fish substitutes with healthy ingredients from the neighbourhood. In doing so, it contributes to Brabant's protein transition goals, the transition to more pl...

ABN: Stagnation in meat substitutes can be reversed

27 February 2023

Throughout 2022, sales of meat substitutes in Dutch supermarkets fell by 5 per cent. A major cause of the sales decline is that consumers bought their food less often in supermarkets and went back to restaurants more oft...

3D food printing at industrial scale almost a reality

27 February 2023

Gastronology has started construction of a production site for 3D food printing on an industrial scale in collaboration with Budelfood, part of the Budelpack Group.  Construction of the dedicated '3D food print' ...

Fishermen declare state of emergency and ask king for help

27 February 2023

Dutch fishermen face a crisis as the European Union plans to close all Natura 2000 areas at sea to fishing. This proposal is facing strong opposition from the fishing industry. The fishermen have declared a state of emer...

Two-thirds of vegetarian burgers are unhealthy

27 February 2023

The composition of almost two-thirds of vegetarian burgers is not very healthy. This is according to research by the Dutch Consumers' Association. According to the organisation, the nutritional value is easy to improve. ...