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On October 12, the Charter for Healthy Food Transition was presented at the PAN International Med and Nutrition Conference. Supported by various health organizations and the RIVM, the initiative calls for a dietary shift, with at least 60% of proteins coming from plant-based sources.
Health organizations, such as Transitiecoalitie Voedsel and Voedingscentrum, are increasingly advocating for a healthier and more sustainable food supply. Natascha Kooiman from Transitiecoalitie highlighted the importance of the protein transition, stating, “It’s time for health organizations to embrace this shift towards a healthy and plant-based food supply.” GroenLinks provincial council member Ernst Hart, who received the charter, even argued for an 80%-20% ratio between plant-based and animal proteins.
A shift towards a more plant-based diet can reduce healthcare costs and lessen environmental impact. Each year, unhealthy diets contribute to 13,000 deaths and cost the healthcare system over 6 billion euros. The charter emphasizes that a healthier diet not only offers health benefits but also supports climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and land use.
With this joint appeal, the involved parties aim to take a significant step toward a healthier and more sustainable food environment in the Netherlands.
Source: Transitiecoalitie Voedsel
Vakblad Voedingsindustrie is a project of b2b Communications BV.
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