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Labor shortages push food industry towards robotics

Food manufacturers are heavily investing in robotics to address labor shortages. Robots can make production processes more efficient and improve working conditions, but their implementation is not straightforward. Raboba..

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Food safety first priority NVWA

24 December 2018

In 2019, the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) will devote 52% of its available supervisory capacity to food safety. This is stated in NVWA's annual plan for 2019, which was presented to the Lower H...

Change in NVWA rates 2019

24 December 2018

The fees charged by the Dutch Food and Product Authority (NVWA) to companies for inspections, re-inspections, system supervision, certification, sampling and analysis will change on January 1, 2019. The rates of the N...

Tackling bacteria in poultry sector

24 December 2018

The approach to Campylobacter and Salmonella in the poultry sector in the Netherlands has been successful. This is the conclusion of the Dutch association for the poultry processing industry; Nepluvi. The number of human...

Increase in the low VAT rate approved

21 December 2018

On 18 December, the Senate approved more than 60 tax measures for citizens and businesses. This means that tax rates will be lowered from next year onwards and tax credits (tax credits) will be increased, making work mor...

VanDrie Group staakt activiteiten Hasselt

21 December 2018

Op 14 december 2018 heeft de organisatie Animal Rights beelden openbaar gemaakt die zijn opgenomen bij VanDrie België te Hasselt. De beelden vertonen inbreuken op dierenwelzijn. VanDrie België neemt dierenwelzijn en het ...

Van Loon neemt Van de Raa over

21 December 2018

De van Loon Group bestaande uit 4 vleesverwerkende bedrijven: Meat Friends, Sleegers, Brandenburg en van Loon Vlees. Van Loon Group is een van de grotere vleesverwerkers in Nederland. Het bedrijf produceert worstjes, spa...

Vegetarische Slager en Unilever samen

20 December 2018

Unilever neemt De Vegetarische Slager over. Voor Unilever past de acquisitie naadloos in de strategie om het portfolio uit te breiden met plantaardige voedingsmiddelen die gezonder zijn en een lagere impact op het milieu...

Foodsector in NL groeit als kool

20 December 2018

De toegevoegde waarde van de Nederlandse foodsector groeit in 2018 naar verwachting met ruim 4,5 procent. In 2019 wordt een stijging van meer dan 2 procent verwacht. Deze groei is vooral te danken aan een stijgende binne...

Schouw changes company structure

20 December 2018

In line with the growth ambition of Schouw Informatisering, Director/Owner John Schouw has announced that as of 1 January 2019 the daily management will be transferred to Steven Doesburg. By doing so, John Schouw creates...

Future slaughterhouse Sus Campiniae

19 December 2018

Belgian pig farming will suffer when Flemish Minister of Environment, Nature and Agriculture Joke Schauvliege (CD&V) refuses to grant a new permit to nv De Lokery, which operates the Sus Campiniae slaughterhouse in Oevel...

RCC: Eet-Geen-Dierendag Campaign misleading

11 December 2018

The Reclame Code Commissie (RCC) (Advertising Code Committee) has ruled that the central claim of the Eet-Geen-Dierendag (Don't eat animals day) campaign, that if nobody consumes meat for a day, 500,000 animals will be s...

Good Farming Balance Vion

07 December 2018

In October 2017, Vion introduced a premium ham for the top segment of the Italian market for dried hams under the Robusto brand name. This successful launch was followed in April 2018 by the premium ham also for the Span...

Start Blueberry Innovators

06 December 2018

Twelve ambitious blue berry growers from the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium have joined forces. Through their joint R&D company they want to accelerate and make innovations more suitable in the field of smart farmi...

Top 10 food trends for 2019

03 December 2018

On 15 November Whole Foods Market’s global buyers and experts revealed the most anticipated and innovative food trends for 2019 in their fourth annual trends predictions announcement. Pacific Rim flavors, eco-conscious p...

Launch start-up Fresh Fulfilment

03 December 2018

Hollander Barendrecht launches the start-up Fresh Fulfilment in response to new developments in food e-commerce and fresh food retail. The independent sister company offers room for innovation and experimentation, while ...