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Labor shortages push food industry towards robotics

Food manufacturers are heavily investing in robotics to address labor shortages. Robots can make production processes more efficient and improve working conditions, but their implementation is not straightforward. Raboba..

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Automated preparation for all the sweets

13 November 2018

Children and adults from around the world have enjoyed happy moments with Matthijs sweets for nearly 100 years. And the sales market keeps on growing. This growth requires an expansion of the production capacity while ma...

The anniversary year is drawing to a close

13 November 2018

What did we do during our anniversary year and where did we visit? The kick-off of this special year was the traditional Winter Barbecue, where we toasted the 25th anniversary of the OSV together with 180 participants...

Estrategy works on transparency

13 November 2018

The consumer's need to know more about the source and authenticity of the products he eats and drinks leads to a demand for an enormous amount of data: from the manufacturer to his supplier as well as to the retail/consu...

The butcher demands, Van Dalen delivers

13 November 2018

What are the daily activities and work methods at a medium-sized, artisanal meat processing company? Dick Wever, Executive Director of G. van Dalen's Vleescentrale, lets us look behind the scenes and shares his vision on...

Innovative and sustainable packaging concepts

13 November 2018

Sustainable packaging is a theme that can no longer be discarded. It is what consumers want, the retail demands it from its suppliers, and for food manufacturers it fits within their vision on corporate social responsibi...

Think bigger

13 November 2018

Digitisation has taken huge leaps in a relatively short amount of time. At Nutrilab, we already 'produce' an incredible amount of data through all our analyses and samples. And we are surely not the only ones. The mai...

Successful collaboration

13 November 2018

Meat company Boni Vers Ambacht in Nijkerk and Espera, manufacturer of weighing and price labelling machines in Eindhoven, have known each other for a long time, but their collaboration really kicked off when important ch...

'Your new employer is a robot'

13 November 2018

It's still hard to imagine, but in about ten to fifteen years, many people will be largely replaced by robots and artificial intelligence in many organisations. "That is good news! Provided that we take on the developmen...

Food safety and craftsmanship go hand in hand

13 November 2018

At Zalmhuis Steur, salmon is being conserved and smoked in the same way for already a century. This traditional and artisanal work method provides an excellent taste and quality. But how can the food safety be guaranteed...

Fish events & trends

13 November 2018

Important events Heavy metals: 149 +39% vs. 2016 Mercury in swordfish from Spain 47 events (-13%) Mercury in shark form Spain 24 events (+380%) Mercury in swordfish from Vietna...

Vacuum drying and coating in one machine

13 November 2018

Met de nieuwe Vacuum droger/coater kunt u producten onder vacuüm drogen én coaten in één machine. Vacuüm zorgt ervoor dat de verdampingstemperatuur, waarbij vloeistof overgaat in gas, lager is. Onder vacuüm kan je dus bi...

High Tech & ICT innovations

13 November 2018

Op AgriFoodTech 2018 worden de allernieuwste innovaties getoond en besproken. Welke invloed hebben High Tech & ICT innovaties op uw bedrijf? De ontwikkelingen in robotica, sensortechnologie, fotonica, vision, machine...

Result after 3 years of low infection pressure

13 November 2018

Het Nocotech desinfectiesysteem verlaagt de infectiedruk in kritische productieruimtes. Het systeem, geleverd door Simpel Desinfecteren,  wordt sinds januari 2016 gebruikt in de voedingsindustrie. Dat de infectiedru...

Robotisation: Necessity, Wish, and Dream

13 November 2018

Bij planvorming en het opstellen van een programma van eisen bekruipt me vaak het gevoel met een stel kinderen door een supermarkt te lopen. Iedereen gooit van alles in de kar omdat het mooi, lekker en leuk is. Bij de ka...

Robotisation: The future never ends

13 November 2018

We raken al gewend aan termen als industrie 4.0, internet of things, big data, artificial intelligence, virtual en augmented reality. Maar kennen we ook de werkelijke betekenissen? Weet u wat de impact ervan is op uw bed...