Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
B2B Communications
Wallbrink Crossmedia
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Electrify your business with thermal energy storage

With ENERGYNEST, your company can store generated electricity, excess heat, or surplus steam and use it as heat at a later time—precisely when you need it. This tailored solution for the food industry ensures more effici..

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Help with staff issues: MKB Ondernemersloket

12 May 2020

Since the outbreak of the corona crisis, the world of many entrepreneurs has been turned upside down. A new and unfamiliar situation arises, which they never had to think about beforehand. This poses many challenges. For... Jort Heijmans successor Dé van Riet

11 May 2020

After the departure of Dé van de Riet at the end of last year, Stichting tried to keep up the dynamics of the interactive communication platform with a great deal of art and flying and extra effort from Bureau J...

COV: Call FNV hurtful, unsubstantiated and inappropriate

11 May 2020

This is how Richard van der Kruijk, General Secretary of the COV, qualifies the FNV's call for hard intervention in the meat sector. It is a slap in the face for the thousands of employees who are committed to our food s...

New support measures in the agri-food sector

06 May 2020

On Monday 4 May, the Commission published the latest package of exceptional measures to further support the agri-food sectors most affected by the corona crisis. The exceptional measures (announced on 22 April) includ...

Foodservice gets retail as a competitor

06 May 2020

Consumer confidence has never dropped as much as in April 2020, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS). For example, COVID-19 leaves deep scars on consumer behaviour. If confidence drops or the economy de...

Retail takes fair trade hostage

06 May 2020

NVP: Something goes wrong with the pricing of table eggs and the distribution of the margin. Despite the high demand for table eggs, the quotation dropped by 10.5% (brown) to 12.5% (white) from the end of March. Retail i...

Corona infections among Vion employees

06 May 2020

Food company Vion, with branches in the Netherlands and Germany, has employees who have tested positive for corona in both countries. Corona infections were found in 26 residents of a housing unit for migrant workers in ...

New investment fund for WUR startups

06 May 2020

Start-ups, who work under the wing of Wageningen University & Research, can apply for crucial funding from a new fund: SHIFT III. This is a so-called multi-stage fund, which startups can use for a longer period of ti...

Flexibility as a priority

01 May 2020

Globally, we see a growing demand for flexible deep-draw packaging solutions, driven by changing consumer needs. The current situation around the coronavirus reinforces the speed at which this is happening. Repak produce...

Deposit on small plastic bottles for less litter

30 April 2020

1 July 2021 a deposit will be introduced on small plastic bottles. State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven has agreed this with the packaging industry. Per bottle (< 1 liter) will soon be 15 cents deposit. For large bo...

Remkes acquires majority interest in Heijs Food Products

28 April 2020

YMBA, the company behind Remkes The Poultry Family, which includes poultry slaughterhouse GPS in Nunspeet - and the shareholders of Heijs Food Products in Hoogeveen signed a letter of intent for a far-reaching collaborat...

Fully convert to one and a half meter economy

28 April 2020

At Vezet, some 800 permanent employees and 500 temporary workers ensure that all Albert Heijn stores are filled with pre-packed sliced fruit and vegetables and meal salads. Vezet in times of corona Marcel Jacobs, d...

ABN AMRO: 4% reduction in food turnover

28 April 2020

Since March 12th, society has changed enormously. Entrepreneurs have to improvise and keep a distance of one and a half meters seems to become normal. ABN AMRO expects the Dutch economy to shrink by 3.8% this year in a s...

The Vista Protector enables 1.5 meter economy

28 April 2020

The Rutte government's message remains: caution is called for. Take small steps. Vista Protector is a big step towards individual and collective security. Of course we keep as much distance as possible. But sometimes tha...

The Dutch eat less and less meat

21 April 2020

More than 5 million Dutch people eat no or only occasionally meat. This is 36% of the whole of the Netherlands. This group has grown by 7% since 2016. This is evident from the second edition of the Smart Food Monitor, a ...