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Labor shortages push food industry towards robotics

Food manufacturers are heavily investing in robotics to address labor shortages. Robots can make production processes more efficient and improve working conditions, but their implementation is not straightforward. Raboba..

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Dutch ministry opts for Nutri-Score, with postponement

29 November 2019

Nutri-Score is the intended food choice logo for the Netherlands. State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS) wrote this to the Lower House of Parliament on 28 November. Of the three logos in Europe - Keyhole, Multiple Traffic L...

KIDV publishes recycle check flexible plastic packaging

29 November 2019

On 28 November, the Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) published the Recycle Check for flexible plastic packaging. Producers and importers of packaged products and packaging can use the Recycle Check to...

Collaboration HAS and Food Tech Brainport

28 November 2019

The professorship Sustainable Production in the agrifood sector of HAS University of Applied Sciences will work together with Food Tech Brainport in Helmond for the next 4 years to set up an expertise centre for SMEs(+)....

Residual flows as raw material for animal feed

25 November 2019

The Netherlands must become less dependent on the import of protein-rich products in order to achieve the sustainability of livestock farming. This can be achieved by using more residual flows for the production of anima...

'The role of meat in a healthy diet'

22 November 2019

Not a yes/no discussion about meat, but a discussion based on facts about the extent to which consumers who want to eat meat can do so sustainably. Is a balance possible between nutritional value and climate pressure, so...

Vegamonitor: 'Will eating less meat become standard?'

22 November 2019

More and more Dutch people indicate that they will be eating less meat in the next five years, and people more often think that eating less meat will become the standard in the Netherlands, according to the recently publ...

RIVM: New edition NEVO online

21 November 2019

The RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) recently published a new edition of the Dutch Nutrient Database (NEVO).  NEVO-online 2019 contains data on 2,152 foodstuffs. Since the previous ...

More conflicts between retailer and producer

21 November 2019

In recent years, there have been more frequent conflicts between supermarkets and manufacturers, due to the growing power of retailers. This is evident from the study of these 'conflict delistings' by Sara van der Maelen...

Coca-Cola starts with KeelClip™ packaging

20 November 2019

On Monday 18 November, Coca-Cola announced the introduction of the KeelClip™. This is a new minimalist cardboard packaging for multipacks cans. Coca-Cola saves 350,000 kilos of new plastic per year in the Netherlands. 14...

200 million for promotion of agrifood

20 November 2019

In 2020, the European Commission will allocate EUR 200.9 million to the financing of promotion activities inside and outside the European Union for agricultural products from the Member States.  The new EU policy...

Convenience generations: major impact on the food market

20 November 2019

Compared to the Millennium, Generation Z is even more food-minded, and eating outdoors is even more self-evident for this generation, according to the FSIN FoodShopper Monitor 2020. We will give a small summary of what i...

Price of pork meat breaks all records

18 November 2019

The DCA Pigs Quotation has reached an all-time high on Friday, November 15. A new record has been set with a listing of € 1.84. This means that the price including VAT has broken the magic limit of € 2.00. The history...

Ten global interventions against food waste

14 November 2019

On 12 November, the report 'Reducing Food Loss and Waste: Ten Interventions to Scale Impact' was launched during the international congress 'Reduction of food losses and waste' in the Vatican City. The authors of the rep...

LTO: meat tax does not contribute to sustainability

14 November 2019

A meat tax does not contribute to further sustainability of the livestock sector and a fair income for farm families, according to LTO Nederland in response to the proposal of the True Animal Protein Price Coalition (TAP...

BRICS: An emerging commodity coalition

12 November 2019

The BRICS (an abbreviation for the emerging markets Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) have in recent decades developed into both economic and commodity heavyweights. ABN AMRO believes that over the next ten ...