Ondernemers sociëteit voedingsindustrie
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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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DVAN Advocaten celebrates 20 year anniversary

07 October 2019

For two decades DVAN Advocaten has been advising and assisting many companies, including those in the food industry, with various legal issues. Whether it concerns food safety, recalls, takeovers, relations with supplier...

Is a cobot something for your company?

07 October 2019

They do not have a cobot catalogue to choose from, but they can work with you to determine whether a cobot can improve your business processes. Is cobotisation still a distant reality? John de Groot likes to bring it all...

TED'S translates craft to factory

07 October 2019

The range at TED'S Food Factory is often developed together with the customer. The company also asked for tailor-made solutions for their machinery. As a result, a full service contract was concluded with Espera for the ...

Nocomax Wandmodel

07 October 2019

Het Nocotech desinfectiesysteem wordt al bijna 4 jaar gebruikt in de voedingsindustrie. Naast de mobiele apparaten Nocospray en Nocomax levert Simpel Desinfecteren ook een ‘vast’ model: het Nocomax Wandmodel. Deze kast h...

Eat lunch or be lunch

07 October 2019

Scaling up, more and more efficiency, demanding transparency, increasing demand for sustainability, necessary innovation and unavoidable digitisation. Go ahead and get it done! The food sector will have to face it all at...

Consument besteedt meer aan duurzaam voedsel

04 October 2019

De Nederlandse consument geeft steeds meer geld uit aan voedsel dat voorzien is van een keurmerk. In 2018 kochten huishoudens voor 4,9 miljard euro aan dier- en milieuvriendelijk geproduceerd voedsel, een stijging van 7%...

The Dutch fight against food waste

03 October 2019

The Dutch have started to waste less food at home. In 2019, the Dutch wasted 34.3 kilos of food per person; almost 7 kilos less than in 2016. There is also less drinking washed away through the sink and the toilet. This ...

New field lab Smart Food Processing opened

02 October 2019

On Tuesday 1 October 2019, the field lab Smart Food Processing was opened at Food Tech Park in Helmond. Elly Blanksma-van den Heuvel, mayor of Helmond, performed the opening ceremony together with an impressive robot. In...

Food manufacturers stop using dye E171

01 October 2019

Remia, Mora, Mars, Goodbite, Lindt, Haribo and A.Vogel stop using E171 in their products. They promised foodwatch after the NVWA concluded last month that there is a possible relationship between consumption of the white...

Spadel wants a deposit on all beverage packaging

01 October 2019

Spadel Nederland calls on the business community and politicians to quickly introduce a deposit system for all beverage packaging, including small bottles and cans. The producer of the brands SPA and BRU wants to discuss...

Nederlanders zamelen fors meer kunststof in

01 October 2019

Nederlandse huishoudens hebben in 2017 veel meer kunststofverpakkingen ingezameld vergeleken met 2014. Dit blijkt uit een gedetailleerde analyse, uitgevoerd door onderzoekers van Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, ...

7 miljoen extra tegen voedselverspilling

01 October 2019

In de begroting van het ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (LNV) is ruim aandacht voor voedselverspilling. Het tegengaan van voedselverspilling is onderdeel van een bredere transitie naar kringlooplandbo...

Boeren protesteren tegen stikstofbesluit

01 October 2019

Op dinsdag 1 oktober komen zo’n 10.500 boeren bij elkaar in Den Haag. Ze protesteren tegen het stikstofbesluit van de Tweede Kamer. Daarnaast protesteren zij ook tegen het advies om de veestapel in Nederland in te krimpe...


30 September 2019

This year, at IFFA, the ESPERA NOVA ES-R weighing and rewarding machine received the Meat Technology Award in the Digitisation and Automation category. The jury particularly applauded the outstanding digital functions, s...

Ahold Delhaize increases commitment to slash food waste in half by 2030

25 September 2019

Ahold Delhaize announced on 25 September 2019 it will extend its commitment to cut food waste in its brands’ operations. The reduction is in line with the global goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030. It will also i...