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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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FNLI: ODE blocks greening of food industry

09 December 2019

In order to be able to produce more sustainably, food companies must make major investments in innovations and process innovations. As a result of these investments, the amount of energy required to produce them has fall...

Top trend for 2020: “winning with words”

06 December 2019

Increased consumer interest in the stories behind their food and beverage products and their notable influence on purchasing decisions has resulted in companies increasingly paying attention to storytelling in branding s...

Collaboration Searious Business and Moonen Packaging

05 December 2019

Searious Business and Moonen Packaging have started an intensive collaboration. The goal is clear: by 2030, one hundred percent of the packaging must be made from recycled or renewable raw materials. Together with Moonen...

Changes in NVWA rates as of 1 January 2020

05 December 2019

The rates of the Dutch Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), which are charged to companies for inspections, re-inspections, system supervision, certification, sampling and analysis, will change as of 1 Janu...

Lock-ins hinder transition to circular food system

05 December 2019

Minister Schouten of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV) aims to make the Netherlands a leader in circular agriculture. However, they are still a long way from achieving this; the current productio...

American company acquires interest in Evolution Meats

05 December 2019

The American investment company Unovis Partners has taken an interest in Evolution Meats, a Dutch startup from Roermond that develops vegan meat substitutes and snack products. Evolution Meats (formerly Green Meat Produc...

Interroll Drum Motors receive EHEDG certification

05 December 2019

The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group (EHEDG) has certified Interroll's current drum motor platform after extensive testing for hygienic industrial applications. This official confirmation provides the int...

The Dutch like to eat consciously

04 December 2019

The majority of the Dutch (60%) indicate that they often eat with a great deal of dedication, according to research, among more than 1,000 respondents commissioned by the Voedingscentrum. The Dutch take their time for me...

Animal-friendly: Mainly out of self-interest

04 December 2019

‘What’s in it for me?’ is de vraag die veel consumenten zichzelf stellen bij het kopen van diervriendelijke producten. Als producent is het daarom verstandig om het eigenbelang van de consument te benadrukken bij verkoop...

‘Same game, new rules’

03 December 2019

During INTERVISION 2019, you will gain insight into current trends and the most relevant developments within the retail sector. So that you can apply the latest insights to your own business. The invitation promises a lo...

Scienta nova BV acquired by FSC

03 December 2019

On 20 November 2019, agreement was reached between Scienta nova in Raalte and Food Safety Consultancy (FSC) in Wijhe on the acquisition of all activities and personnel as of 1 January 2020. The owner of Food Safety Co...

Seeking opportunities in an uncertain world

02 December 2019

In 2020, global animal protein faces an uncertain world, but opportunities can still be found. African swine fever dominates the outlook, having generated unprecedented change in 2019 – and the Rabobank expects more in 2...

Dutch ministry opts for Nutri-Score, with postponement

29 November 2019

Nutri-Score is the intended food choice logo for the Netherlands. State Secretary Paul Blokhuis (VWS) wrote this to the Lower House of Parliament on 28 November. Of the three logos in Europe - Keyhole, Multiple Traffic L...

KIDV publishes recycle check flexible plastic packaging

29 November 2019

On 28 November, the Knowledge Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) published the Recycle Check for flexible plastic packaging. Producers and importers of packaged products and packaging can use the Recycle Check to...

Collaboration HAS and Food Tech Brainport

28 November 2019

The professorship Sustainable Production in the agrifood sector of HAS University of Applied Sciences will work together with Food Tech Brainport in Helmond for the next 4 years to set up an expertise centre for SMEs(+)....