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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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From door policy to sustainability policy

15 June 2020

A door seems such a simple element in the company building. But a good door contributes to production speed, hygiene, food and personnel safety and sustainability objectives. "These doors provide good climate control."  ...


15 June 2020

The coronacrisis - and the related measures to contain the spread of the disease - is more than ever an attack on our autonomy. We, the Dutch, find this difficult. In his speech on TV, Rutte praised the Dutch people. Oka...

Well-founded foundation for efficient progress of construction projects

15 June 2020

For every building project there are numerous reasons why it cannot be realised. And each solution raises new questions. What is needed for these kinds of challenges is a team of specialists who pursue the same goal: to ...

Good hygiene in corona times

15 June 2020

The food industry cannot escape the impact of corona either. Ensuring a food-safe production process and the health of employees is of crucial importance. At Cor Segers BV and Simons Vleeswaren they took the necessary me...

2020, the year of...

15 June 2020

This year, in 2020, Repak Superior Packaging Solutions celebrates its 35th anniversary. 21-year-old René Scholte started the company in his parents' barn. Since then, Repak has grown into a supplier of high quality therm...

The right door for every room

15 June 2020

Chilled, cold or frozen. This infographic shows how EFAFLEX fast and safe doors can be used at practically any point in a food or beverage production, logistics and distribution centre.  The use of an EFAFLEX Hig...

Klaas Fuite: 'Where there is traffic, food is needed'

15 June 2020

Progressive insights, foresight, a proactive response to social and economic developments and being open to innovations; it turned bakery Fuite from a village bakery in IJsselmuiden into one of the major and leading play...

Declaration of Conformity for food contact materials

15 June 2020

Food products are in prolonged contact with packaging material. That is why strict legal requirements apply to ensure the safety of the packaged food. For example, a 'Declaration of Conformity' must be available for each...

Summer holidays

15 June 2020

It's almost holiday time. What are you gonna do? Are you going to stay in Holland, cross the border? What is it abroad that you don't have here? We always went abroad because it rained too often in the Netherlands in the...

Business park Laarakker offers space for unlimited growth

15 June 2020

On the A73 near Cuijk lies Bedrijvenpark Laarakker. A business park with a focus on the agrifood sector. The ideal location for companies with growth potential.   The business park is home to new properties owned...

The pitfalls of seduction (3)

15 June 2020

Marketing is seduction and that involves a certain exaggeration. But exaggeration is not without risks: seduction can turn into deception. And that is forbidden.  Consumer organisations have been calling for year...

Unilever 100 procent brits

11 June 2020

Unilever announced 11 June 2020 plans to unify its Group legal structure under a single parent company, Unilever PLC, creating a simpler company with greater strategic flexibility, that is better positioned for future su...

New survey on opportunities in plant-based sector

11 June 2020

Plant-based cheese, ready meals, seafood, and alternatives to eggs are among the biggest opportunities in the plant-based sector, a major new survey by ProVeg International of 6,221 consumers has found. The survey was...

Baaijens gaat samenwerking aan met Sterilsystems

11 June 2020

Baaijens Industrial Equipment B.V. is in 2020 een exclusieve samenwerking aangegaan met de firma Sterilsystems, producent van desinfectie- en geurneutralisatie apparatuur en systemen, gebaseerd op UV-C en OZON technologi...

Remkes: Current nitrogen approach insufficient

09 June 2020

The Advisory Council on Nitrogen Problems states that the government's aim to reduce nitrogen emissions by 26% by 2030 is insufficient. According to the Advisory Board, nitrogen emissions must be at least halved in 2030 ...