Makeover sustainable building MULTIVAC part 2
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Makeover sustainable building MULTIVAC part 2

  • 25 January 2022

Customer contact, product perception and modern working methods are the central issues in the metamorphosis of the MULTIVAC headquarters. The makeover of the existing building consists of a number of important steps, explains Tim Hage: "The showroom, where we like to receive our relations to show them our many (machine) possibilities, turned out to be too small in practice.  

After the renovation the showroom is not only more spacious, it is also 'the place to be' for events, presentations and trainings. How do our machines work, what are the possibilities? With more images and experience, we want to continue our good customer contact here in Woerden. In fact, we will invite our business relations and new customers to Woerden more often to actively inform them, using the latest communication techniques."

Making more sustainable

After the makeover, the office is ready for the future. An eye-catcher that we will be proud of." The renovation is an opportunity to make the office building more sustainable: "We are going to get rid of the gas and switch to heat pumps, solar panels and LED lighting. Next year, the building will also have a new, corona-proof air-conditioning system. We have consciously thought about that.

Package deals

During the building's transformation, services will continue unabated. The MULTIVAC team will be available to customers 24/7, emphasizes Tim Hage: "Continuity will be guaranteed, customers will notice little or nothing of the renovation. In fact, this entire makeover fits in perfectly with our philosophy of completely unburdening the customer, from A to Z. More and more we use package deals, in which we put the customer first. From the assembly and delivery of machines, advice and maintenance to the supply of by-products.

Source: Multivac