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2025 Trend Report for the Food and Beverage Industry

2025 promises to be a transformative year for the food and beverage sector. Strengthen your business strategy and gain a lasting competitive edge with this practical guide to the industry’s most significant challenges an..

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Riskplaza innovates

12 June 2018

Since 29 May 2018, every food processing company has the possibility to easily and quickly substantiate their food fraud analysis. Substantiation by using Food Fraud Analysis from Riskplaza. Riskplaza has been worki...

Vivera neemt plantaardige biefstuk in productie

08 May 2018

Het Nederlandse bedrijf Vivera neemt als eerste ter wereld 100% plantaardige biefstuk in productie. Vivera introduceert het product vanaf 21 mei a.s. in de Britse supermarktketen Tesco. Het bedrijf verwacht dit jaar nog ...

Clean label and improving shelf life

08 May 2018

Consumers are demanding for healthier foods: food that is guaranteed to be food safe and have a clean label. Preventing food waste is high on the priority list as well, which is almost diametrically opposed to ...

Sharper focus on Listeria monocytogenes

08 May 2018

The NVWA (Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority) established new guidelines in the updated information sheet 85 for controlling the growth of hazardous micro-organisms during the shelf-life period. It is...

Progressively less centralised installation

08 May 2018

The food industry is changing with a strong tendency towards decentralisation. By placing IO modules in the field and connecting entrances and exits to the control system with prefabricated cables, shorter installation t...

Consistent decentralised installation

09 April 2018

The food industry is changing, with a strong tendency towards decentralisation. By placing IO modules in the field and connecting entrances and exits with prefabricated cabling that connects them with the control system,...

Markt voor vleesvervangers wint snel terrein

09 April 2018

Vlees staat in het middelpunt van een maatschappelijk debat dat invloed heeft op het consumentengedrag en op bedrijven in de foodsector. De Nederlandse consument wordt in zijn consumptie sterk beïnvloed door toenemende z...

Sleegers Technique leads the way

09 April 2018

During the Anuga FoodTec, Huub Sleegers, the Willie Root of the food processing industry, will launch a video app specially developed for Sleegers Technique. This app contains the videos of the available machine range...

We Are Food

09 April 2018

Zonder voedsel kan niemand leven. Maar hoe vaak staan we eigenlijk stil bij wat we elke dag eten? In 2018 is Brabant ‘Europese Regio van de Gastronomie’. Met de campagne We Are Food zet de regio tien maanden lang een and...

New solutions for today’s food challenges

05 March 2018

Anouk Liebregts: Click “I find the current crunchy muesli packages unwieldy. The product is in a plastic bag that cannot be resealed, which is inside a cardboard box. Personally, I think it’s really irritating when I ...

Innovation at Simpel Desinfecteren

06 February 2018

Disinfection from a distance is possible (see also Dutch Food Industry Journal - June 2017). The Nocofix, which can hold a 20-litre can, is mounted to the wall. Using a timer, you set the time that you want the disinfect...

Cold plasma in the meat industry

06 February 2018

A relatively new method for preventing infection by germs and product deterioration is the use of cold, atmospheric-pressure plasma. With this plasma, meat and meat products can be pasteurised non-thermally, creating new...

Innovation in food processing

06 February 2018

2018 is becoming a dynamic year: technology will make big changes in the food sector. Cost reduction, decreasing environmental impact and addressing the problem of the global food system are significant stimuli for these...

De Kweker lanceert Amsterdam Food Pitch

09 January 2018

Tijdens de horecavakbeurs Horecava op maandag 8 januari 2018 lanceerde De Kweker de Amsterdamse Food Pitch 2018. De Kweker is een Amsterdamse groothandel voor professionals in food en maakt zich al 50 jaar sterk voor inn...

Vijf supermarkttrends voor 2018

11 December 2017

De internationale supermarktonderzoeksorganisatie IGD ziet vijf trends die de foodretailmarkt zullen bepalen in 2018. 1. Private label gaat premium Supermarktorganisaties zetten steeds steviger in op hun aanbod pri...