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Summer offer on used MULTIVAC machines

MULTIVAC offers both new and refurbished machines. The refurbished tray sealers, thermoformers, labelers, and portioners have original parts and provide the same quality and warranties as new machines. They are ideal for..

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Does sustainable packaging exist?

07 March 2022

Plastic is lightweight, has good protective properties and is therefore a widely used material for packaging in the food industry. Unfortunately, current plastic packaging is far from circular. Packaging that causes the ...

Boermarke produces vegan cheese on a large scale

01 March 2022

Due to the increasing demand for plant-based alternatives to cheese and its own ambitions, Boermarke put a completely new production line for plant-based cheeses into operation in 2021. The aim is to produce more than 10...

Edible coating for snack cucumbers

28 February 2022

These days, consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable options. For example, retailers are expected to minimise the use of plastic by looking at alternatives for packaging. This inspired Liquidseal and Rijk Zwaan t...

Albert Heijn wants deposits on all plastic juice bottles

22 February 2022

Albert Heijn will introduce a voluntary deposit on all plastic juice bottles. This is clearer for customers and ensures that more plastic bottles are properly collected and recycled. With this step, all plastic bottles o...

Origin of food often unclear

22 February 2022

The origin information on products in the supermarket leaves much to be desired. This is evident from a survey carried out by the Dutch Consumers' Association. The mandatory information is often missing or too vague. ...

Albert Heijn focuses on circular packaging

16 February 2022

Albert Heijn starts with the recycling of plastic fruit trays: by using PET from household waste for new plastic trays, the plastic gets a second life. The first containers that are reused in this way will be in the shop...

Topseal becomes more popular

07 February 2022

Topseal packaging is here to stay. They are easy to print and provide a better presentation in the supermarket. The share of plastic in the packaging has been reduced by an average of 30 percent. Because they contribute ...

Circular use of plastic food packaging

07 February 2022

Coalition Food2Food 2.0 consists of more than 30 chain partners committed to the circular use of plastic. The focus is on an industrial test of CurvCode, a Dutch innovation for separating plastics from waste streams.&nbs...

French gardeners opt for innovative FreshSAFE

18 January 2022

Breton gardeners were looking for a reliable packaging concept for their white beans: "Cocos de Paimpol". It is a semi-dry product, which changes extremely quickly after harvest, but had to remain fresh, tasty and have a...

FNLI wants clear introduction date for Nutri-Score

17 January 2022

In 2019, Nutri-Score was selected by the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport as the best available food choice logo. All parties involved agreed at the time that Nutri-Score would be introduced in the Netherlands in mi...

Ecological coating for fruit and vegetables

11 January 2022

Empa and Lidl Switzerland have jointly developed a cellulose protective coating for fruit and vegetables. The novel coating is made from so-called pomace – squeezed fruit and vegetable peels. The innovative project can r...

Production of plant-based raw materials

20 December 2021

Chemical technology company Avantium gives the green light for the construction of a bioplastic plant in Delfzijl. The construction is made possible by a consortium of Dutch banks, including ING, InvestNL and regional in...

Meat sector wants to start with CO2 footprint soon

09 December 2021

The Dutch meat sector wants to start labelling the CO2 footprint of meat soon, so consumers can make a choice for meat or alternatives based on objective criteria.  In a round table meeting with EU Commissioner F...

Bond Seafood delivers first tray with CurvCode

07 December 2021

Newly designed recyclable fish packaging from Bond Seafood with CurvCode is on the shelves at Jumbo Supermarkets. CurvCode is a Dutch innovation for the digital coding of plastic. It works like Braille and enables waste ...

65% of plastic packaging from supermarket can't be recycled

17 November 2021

Research by Natuur & Milieu has shown that the majority (two-thirds) of supermarket packaging is either not recyclable or only marginally recyclable. More than half of the packaging that is not recyclable can be so w...