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Three in five Dutch people ready for cultivated meat

Recent research from Good Food Institute Europe reveals that three out of five Dutch people are willing to try cultivated meat. This innovative solution, produced in cultivation facilities, has the potential to make the ..

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Instruction compulsory at Simpel Desinfecteren

17 October 2022

All customers who disinfect with Nocotech have followed the instruction of Simpel Desinfecteren and received a certificate for it. So they know how this disinfection technique works, how and when to use it, etc. The inst...

Zero Hunger Lab: Data science for food security

17 October 2022

Marleen Balvert, Hein Fleuren and Frans Cruijssen form the management team of the Zero Hunger Lab. All three are involved in the lab in their own way. What binds them is that they each want to use smart maths processes t...

Industry vulnerable to cybercrime

17 October 2022

Robotising and broadly digitising businesses has a down side: cyber risks are on the rise. At 1 in 5, the risk of a cyber attack is many times higher than the risk of fire (1 in 8,000) or burglary (1 in 250). Yet mitigat...

Maximum value from your ERP system

17 October 2022

There is no place where getting a grip on your business processes is more crucial, and at the same time more challenging, than in the Food industry. This puts continuous stress on your margins, on processes and on people...

Big data takes food safety to higher level

17 October 2022

New and powerful algorithms and bioinformatics tools are enabling the development of models that make it much easier to predict outbreaks of food-borne diseases. Nestlé and Mars are among the first to invest in HTS infra...

Save money with wall panels from Sealwise

17 October 2022

Jackit is a renovation and sealant company specialising in the food industry. The exclusive Sealwise WCB panel material they use for walls, corners and ceilings is thoroughly antibacterial as well as antiviral. It is als...

Column Saskia Stender: Strong entrepreneurs

17 October 2022

In early October, I paid a visit to the Slavakto. On the way there, I wondered what to expect. "What is the vibe going to be like, with all this energy misery coming on top of staff shortages? Am I going to a trade fair ...

Kabinet ondersteunt energie-intensief mkb vanaf 1 november

17 October 2022

Mkb-ondernemingen bij wie de energiekosten overeenkomen met minimaal 12,5% van de omzet, ontvangen een vergoeding van maximaal 160.000 euro via de regeling Tegemoetkoming Energiekosten (TEK). Deze energie-intensieve mkb’...

Omori Europe is looking for Technical Professionals

13 October 2022

It is no secret that technical staff are scarce, especially with the current labour shortage with job vacancies exceeding job seekers. We therefore faced a major challenge at the beginning of this year. Omori Europe is e...

Dutch Meat consumption stable in 2021

13 October 2022

The total per capita consumption of meat and meat products in the Netherlands in 2021 was 76.1 kg (based on carcass weight), almost the same as the 75.9 kg consumed per person in 2020. This is the conclusion of a study b...

Bezoekers Dutch Food Week dol op vleestraktaties

12 October 2022

Van 8 tot en met 15 oktober vraagt Dutch Food Week aandacht voor lekker, gezond en duurzaam voedsel en nieuwe ontwikkelingen die met ons eten te maken hebben. In heel Nederland vinden er met honderden activiteiten plaats...

Upcycling is one of the green innovation trends of 2022

12 October 2022

This year ClimateLaunchpad, the global green business competition, sees a remarkable number of start-ups looking for 'system solutions', ways to reuse resources. The competition has seen a striking number of entries with...

Eating plant-based: We want to, but we don't

11 October 2022

Dutch people are open to replacing dairy, meat and eggs with plant-based alternatives, but their behaviour does not always show it. So in this case too, wanting is not automatically doing, according to the Agrifood Monit...

Food industry output prices stabilise

11 October 2022

In the food industry, output prices went up by 22.1 per cent on average in August. Since April this year, price increases in the food industry have more or less stabilised. Thus, food industry price increases fluctuated ...

Gold for packaging innovation by Masterpack Group

11 October 2022

The 31st edition of packaging innovation competition De Gouden Noot has been won by Masterpack Group, with a breakthrough application of Modified Atmosphere technology in the world of FIBCs. This innovative Modified A...