Minister Kuipers waarborgt keuzevrijheid bij reactie op 'Houd ons voedsel gentech vrij' petitie
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Minister Kuipers responds to call for GMO-free choices

  • 30 November 2023

In response to the petition 'Keep our food GMO-free,' Minister Ernst Kuipers of Health, Welfare, and Sport has announced that the government is committed to preserving freedom of choice for consumers, particularly concerning food produced with genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and New Genomic Techniques (NGTs). The petition underscores consumers' right to choose products without the use of GMOs or NGTs.

Safeguarding freedom of choice through NGT labeling and a public database

Regarding concerns in the petition about consumer freedom of choice, the minister mentions that the government aims for transparent and objective information provision to consumers but emphasizes that this doesn't necessarily require physical labeling. Instead, there is a focus on a public database and EU-level education to inform consumers about NGTs and their applications.

NGTs not allowed in the organic sector

The petition indicates a desire for alternatives for those avoiding products with NGTs. The organic sector has expressed a wish for a legal ban on the use of NGT plants, their products, and materials in the organic sector.

The proposal includes a legal ban on NGTs in the organic sector, and an obligation for labeling the material from category 1 NGT plants, clarifying what (organic) growers are working with. Category 2 NGT plants and materials will continue to fall under GMO regulations and are excluded from the organic sector. This allows the organic sector to ensure, according to its preferences, that their products are obtained without the use of NGTs.

In conclusion, Minister Kuipers assures that the government will continue to strive for transparency and freedom of choice during the consultation process, taking into account the concerns expressed in the petition."

Source: Rijksoverheid