NEVO 2023: Innovatieve Inzichten in Voeding en Alternatieven
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NEVO 2023: A critical view on meat and dairy alternatives

  • 01 December 2023

The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is unveiled the latest edition of the Dutch Food Composition Database (NEVO) on November 30, 2023. This edition provides detailed information on over 2300 food items and more than 130 nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats and fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

A notable update in NEVO-online focuses on data related to meat and dairy alternatives. The composition of 33 specific products, such as vegetarian burgers and almond milk, has been meticulously analyzed in laboratory conditions. The remaining items in this category have been updated with information sourced from literature and product labels.

NEVO-online now also encompasses over 100 new food items in other categories, primarily based on the latest Food Consumption Survey (VCP). This survey offers insights into the eating and drinking habits of the Dutch population.

Source: RIVM